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Phase two had Klaus sneaking into the reptile room (via the second story window) and Violet making her way to the henchmen's car with Sunny (via the front door). After Matilda's part was played, she followed Violet's path making her way down the stairs - halting halfway down as the conversation in the room below neared. Attempting to peek around the bannisters to the front window, Matilda holds her breath, not wanting to fracture any of the plan. Through the window, she could see Sunny making her way up the porch steps, with the Incredibly Deadly Viper affectionately wrapped around. Further behind the infant, could see where Count Olaf had Violet cornered against the car.

And her heart stopped. And in a split second she had to make a decision. Run and abandon the plan, acting reactively to get the man away from the girl - yelling, screaming, whatever it took. Or make sure that they will not end up in 'Stephano's' hands. Her mind made up, she glanced at the Reptile Room door before dashing to the front door. Scooping up the infant and reptile and hurriedly placing them on the ground - right where Mr Poe is surely to end up.

"Alright Sunny," she whispered, gaining the attention of the girl. "Can you make some noise for us?" Matilda forced an amused smile, encouraging the child to squeal in delight at the sliding scales of the scintillating snake that swivelled and swirled around her form, stimulating simmering screeches from Sunny. By the second squeal, Sunny had the attention of the household inhabitants, Violet taking the distraction as the moment to escape. Matilda slowly retreated from the snake and the child, the forced smile sliding away once no longer in the gaze of the infant. Worry twisting at her gut.

Mr Poe came sliding in with an interesting choice of elongated expletives before screaming, "Which snake is it?!" Once Violet saw the scene, a cool smile slid onto her face, making her way confidently over to Matilda situated on the edge of the room, Count Olaf's case in her grasp.

"It's the incredible deadly viper." While Mr Poe struggled with the correct mode of action, Violet grabbed onto Matilda's hands, and at the same time the girls asked, "Are you okay?" The chorus making them giggle, the severity of the situation lessening as everything seemed to falling into place. Matilda made sure to scan the Baudelaire thrice over to make sure, checking elbows for bruises from a harsh grasp, knees for grazes and eyes for tears. Her evaluation turned out clear. Unbeknownst to Matilda, Violet was watching her while performing her own evaluation, granting a soft smile as the smaller girl finally looked up - Mr Poe's incessant yelling going unheard by the two of them.

"From the expedition journal of Dr Montgomery Montgomery, April 24th." Klaus burst into the room, proudly projecting his words. "'The incredibly deadly viper wouldn't hurt a fly.'" There's a pronounced bite to his words within his 'told you so' moment. "I know this because I tried to feed it flies this morning. It is friendly and kind, playful and smart, and if you can get past your first impression, it can make a wonderful addition to the family.' And therefore, it cannot have killed Uncle Monty." Klaus finishes with a snap of the book.

Count Olaf, sauntered into the room attempting to argue against the Klaus' logic - announcing that there was no proof. Cue Violet. Stepping forward, the girl held 'Stephano's' suitcase, filled with evidence of his deceit. Matilda gazed on proudly. The pieces all fell together - the weapon put together, 'Stephano's' lies exposed and his murderous intentions. And finally, at this point, Mr Poe decided to believe the children. Whipping out his handkerchief, Mr Poe, ordered, "Your left ankle, sir." with a bit punctuating his sentence. Once again trying to avoid exposure, Count Olaf could only babble uselessly. "Your left ankle, please." Insistent in his tone, the children finally released a breath of relief and began to smile. As the banker rubbed at the offending ankle, the tattoo was revealed.

"For the first time in my life, I'm happy to see that awful tattoo." Klaus released. The Baudelaires smiled with satisfaction, the villain finally exposed. However, as the man began to clap slowly, Matilda's couldn't smile with the others. She grasped tightly onto Klaus and Violet's sleeves. Initially, the two glanced down at the girl thinking that she was potentially drowning - as the action had become a sign that she was slipping under. However, Matilda bore no vacant expression - her face alert and filled with hardness.

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