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The car began to rumble up the driveway. Matilda's eyes locked onto any movement made in the vehicle, while Violet and Klaus were stunned into a helpless state. The sudden sight of a quaint silver-blue car driving towards them erupted screams within the vehicle - only Matilda's hitched breath being unheard.

Swerving to avoid the oncoming car, Count Olaf crashes the car into the hedges meticulously shaped into a cobra. The serpent crashes down onto the bonnet of the car, Count Olaf releasing a high pitched scream with its descent. Seeing smoke emerging from the car, Matilda hurries out and ushers the Baudelaire's out behind her, before going to move to the trunk of the car to retrieve the infant still trapped inside. Klaus following closely, the two of them working together to open the car while Violet veers into Mr Poe's sight and begins trying to explain. The three worked without hesitation - without the need to communicate, a well-oiled hive-mind manoeuvre. Opening the suitcase, Klaus and Matilda find an unharmed Sunny, smiling at her rescue - Matilda can only manage a small twitch back. Klaus picks up his little sister and moves quickly to stand with Violet, ensuring Matildas right behind him at all times.

"You're not Dr Montgomery." Mr Poe states, making Matilda roll her eyes. Nothing gets past him, Matilda though sarcastically.

"Ah! My spleen!" The count groaned in an effort of distraction. "I think you've ruptured him!" Mr Poe's only response being some harsh coughing. Count Olaf rights back up, the goggling glasses repositioned on his ghastly nose. Mr Poe's obscene obliviousness has Matilda's mind moving onto other things, trusting the Baudelaire's to try and convince the banker anyway they can. Her eyes move Monty's mustard yellow car, before moving past, assessing its state as irreparable in a short time frame. Her gaze then jumps onto Mr Poe's silvery car. Matilda can't drive but the best way to learn by doing. Surveying the area, she spots many branches that could be used as disabling weapons, but Count Olafs knife would combat and overthrow them easily. She couldn't risk a move with ensuring the Baudelaire's were out of the firing line. Though she may be the able to surprise the count, a rapid throw of the knife could easily injure one of the children - despite Count Olaf's grotesque accuracy. No. She couldn't risk their injury. They could take cover, perhaps behind a car. Or within the hedges -

The incredulous gasps from Violet, bring Matilda's eyes back to the scene, fixing upon the count's bare ankle – the tattoo nowhere to be seen. Her eyes move upwards, landing on the slight shine that can be seen with the movement of Count Olafs coat. With Mr Poe's insistence, the group move inside to call the police. Matilda breaks away from the Baudelaire's. Violet immediately reacts to the movement, grasping onto Matilda's sleeve, her gaze confused and pleading. Matilda returns the gaze with determination and a reassuring smile. With her head down, she glides to get into the count's path; with his eyes flitting around, he doesn't notice the girl and bumps into her with all the elegance of a rhinoceros on a skateboard. Instinctively, he grabs onto her shoulders in a harsh grip. Matilda gazes up at him with an expression of apology and slight fear. A quick glance towards Mr Poe has the count letting go with a snarl. As Matilda turns to re-join the children, a small smirk twists her lips. Violet's concerned stare finds her, and Matilda promptly sidles up next to her.

"What were you thinking?" Violet questions the girl in a hushed whisper of worry. Matilda only gazes at her with wide eyes. Even in this situation, the eldest Baudelaire is still beautiful. Her hair mostly in place, but a few strands remain tangled from sleep. Despite the emotions sinking her eyes, the blue-grey shimmers, mirroring the sea after a storm. Her brows crease in worry, Matilda is overtaken with affection. How could something so beautiful care for something so mangy? Without thinking, she reaches a finger to poke the space between her eyebrows. In shock, Violet's expression relaxes, wide, soft, and staring blankly. Matilda only continues to stare, a ghost of a smile and whisper of a giggle.

With the banker moving to the phone and the count reaching into his pocket, the children move upstairs. For a brief moment the Baudelaire's allow grief to stilt their steps once they reach the bedroom – Klaus falling onto the bed with his head in his hands.

"What are we going to do?" He asked despairingly. Violet takes her place at his side, Sunny on his other.

"I don't know." A single tear blinks from Violet's eye and Klaus' begin to fill. Matilda's heart cracking at the sight.

"Hey! No, no, no." She scrambles over to take both of their faces in one hand each. Using her thumb, she wipes Violet's tear away and strokes her cheek, looking into her eyes. "We'll be okay," turning her head to find Klaus' brown eyes, with green specks at a close distance. "We'll find out a way to get out of this. To get away from him, okay?" Nodding with determination, the Baudelaire's look on with adoration. "And besides, he won't get far without this."

Reaching under her shirt and into her waistband, Matilda reveals the knife she pick-pocketed off the count. Violet gasps in surprise.

"How did you get this?" Klaus asked.

"Sticky fingers." Matilda shrugged. "So, let's get changed and face the beast, shall we?"

Wordlessly, all the children began shedding their pyjamas and donning their clothes.

"Matilda," Violet called, the girl answering with a hum. "How... How are you so okay with all this?" Matilda turned to face Violet with confusion. "I don't mean -! I mean – how are –" Violets cheeks begin to pink as she flusters, not wanting to have her words misunderstood.

"Violet." Matilda interrupted. "It's okay, I understand what you mean." Turning around again she continues to search through Sunny's clothes to find an outfit. "I've been around horrible things my whole life. I know that to get through, it we have to power through. When things are the hardest, we have to be the most ready for action. I've spent my whole life in this state. Not knowing what may happen next and if I'll come out alive. Having to keep all my senses open and my mind sharp. In this state, I know how to survive." She turns to face the children but can't find the strength to lift her gaze. "It's not something to be proud of. It's not always a good thing. That's why when everything is calm, and when I feel safe with you guys, I begin to fall apart. But in this moment, I'm glad I have this ability to be able to try to help you – that I can put on some armour and extend it to those not as practiced." Her eyes rise to find Violet's quivering chin and Klaus' despairing look – slanted eyebrows and half-opened mouth. "But know you are stronger, stronger than me. I'm not much under this false armour but thats all I have to offer, I-"

"How are you so strong?" Violet finally finishes breathlessly.


Hiya all! So sorry for the disappearance! I hope to upload once a week until uni starts up again.

Thankyou all so much for read - can literally not believe 38k reads. Thankyou all so much.

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