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Days were spent introducing Matilda to her newfound freedom. The Baudelaire's taught her wonderful things: her and Klaus would read and discuss grand books together, she would invent things with Violet that would actually work most of the time (unlike her previous failed endeavours) and she would craft with Sunny, using her immaculate teeth as a tool to do whatever the infant wished. Violet awoke her one morning with a bright smile on her face and pulled Matilda out of her bed already giggling; Matilda couldn't help but smile along as well. Ignoring Matildas questioning, Violet shoved some of her own clothes into Matildas arm, as she had none of her own, and turned around to give her some privacy. When Matilda was ready Violet spun around eagerly. For a millisecond, the smile fell from Violets face. Her clothes hung on Matildas form like a mouse in an elephants skin. Peeking from out from under the clothes, were strokes of blue, purple and yellow – the heeling bruises from the cage. Less noticeably were the faint white shapes the collaged her body. The bruises and scars made Violet want to shed tears; guilt teeming that she could have done more to prevent the sweet girls injuries. The simple light blue shirt slid from her shoulders constantly and the black and white chequered pants covered her feet and were loose in every place. While at Monty's, Matilda had been eating more, but could only stomach so much before it would reappear, her body not used to constant sustenance. Initially, she tried to hide it. Rushing to a bathroom after a meal with some half-arsed excuse. The Baudelaire's – ever clever and observant – followed her to find her hunched over the toilet in a grim position with eyes watering from the regurgitation of stomach acid that burned up her oesophagus. Klaus and Violet gently approached the girl and comforted her, assuring her that she didn't have to hide and that they would help in anyway they could; kind smiles ebbing Matildas fear away. Monty had stood at the doorframe, smiling softly at the interaction with despair shining through his eyes.

Shaking her head resolutely, Violet grabbed a plethora of clothing pins. Pinching material together and securing it so it rested comfortably on Matildas frame. Matildas eyes still gleamed as Violet started to pull her once again. Throughout all the bustle, Roti had moved from Matildas chest, where he had been comfortably sleeping with the girl and onto the top of her head. Both girls erupted with giggles, with a few haste waits from Matilda, she had just enough time to place Roti on the windowsill in the warm sun and give a small pet on his head before being hauled out of the room from her wrist. They ran down the stairs and shared short gleeful smiles with Klaus as they passed. Violet tugged her out of the front door and towards the grand hedges before them. Matilda stopped to look at them in awe, halting Violet almost comically.

Come on, come on! Violet urged pulling Matilda into the maze with a laugh. They ran through the maze for hours. Matilda running her hand along the prickly edge of the plants, relishing in the feeling, in the green. Matilda hadnt noticed, but Violet had brought some coloured counters in their way out of the house which they had left behind as a trail to return.

When they finally stumbled into the house once again, covered in dirt and green smudges and seemingly laughing at nothing, delirious on the liberty of the emerald labyrinth. Matilda had laughed so much that at this point, she was making no sound, her mouth opened wide silently happy tears streaming down her face as Violet joined her with snorts that triggered their laughter once again. Just seeing the two so happy, caused Sunny and Klaus to start laughing as well, not even knowing the cause behind the unstoppable mirth. They were thrilled to see the elated spark in their older sisters eyes, one that had been absent for a while. Gratefully, Klaus, gazed at Matilda in admiration: the girl who had rediscovered his older sisters sense of adventure and fun. Violet was oozing with delight, Matildas frame leaning against her as they both tried to explain their relentless hilarity to Klaus and Sunny but getting nowhere – constantly having to stop to catch their breath. At one point, they had keeled over and ended up falling on the floor - Roti had flown down from their room to land on Matildas shoulder.

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