thirty seven

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The whole car ride back to the house, Armando was yelling at Alondra to listen to him, to the point where Ruben and Lily put on their AirPods to block him out. Even when they actually got to the house, Alondra went upstairs to her room and everyone expected Armando to just give up there, but he followed her up the stairs too. She even tried to shut the door on him, but he just busted in.

"Was me ignoring you the entire ride here not a good hint that I didn't want to talk to you?"

"I don't care, Londra! And I'm tired of your attitude! Mientras vivas aquí, me respetarás y no me importa lo enojado que estás." Armando had left the door open, so the family was listening in from downstairs, but the second he started speaking Spanish, they no longer understood what he was saying. Ruben was barely beginning to pass his Spanish class, Madison was taking French, Lily was barely learning cursive, and Rachel didn't didn't care.

While Armando was yelling with his whole chest, where we ordered a Londra was sitting on her bed and internally shrugged. "I was perfectly fine living by myself in Crenshaw in my home that I was raised in. You're the one that came forward and told CPS you would take me in."

"Alo, I can't go back in the past and fix the mistakes I've made. You can't keep acting like I don't exist when you're living in my house."

Looking up from her phone, Alondra squinted her eyes, and her calm demeanor was starting to annoy Armando. "You don't think I know that?! You've missed everything in my entire life, and you're still missing everything! You've missed every cheer performance, soccer game, school play, talent show, everything! You don't even come to the football games to watch me perform! How do you expect me to forgive you and you weren't even making an effort to fix anything?" She ranted.

Armando had difficulty responding because he honestly had no idea how to respond to that. "Believe me, Londra. I'm trying."

"No you're not. Mom had two jobs and still managed to come to every cheer performance, soccer game, and at one point, track meets.  You basically work from home and still can't do half of that!"

"I'm not like your mo—"

"Obviously not!"  She yelled over him, still in bed, but now with her legs tucked under her so she didn't have to strain her neck to yell at him.  With her voice cracking and her hands being used for emphasis, Alondra said, "My entire life, all I wanted was for you to come back home. Ahora, estás juntos y no haces un esfuerzo para corregir tus errores! Todo lo que has hecho es darme disculpas a medias sobre porque te fuiste! Pero obras son amores y no buenas razones, y no has hecho nada."

Armando stood still as he watched Alondra basically break down on her bed, all of the pent-up anger, sadness, and frustration she's felt since she's moved in finally coming out. And again, he didn't know what to do. He raised Madison and Lily, but he had no idea how Alondra liked to be comforted or if she even liked it at all.

However, he remembered that when she was a baby, she liked when a blanket was wrapped around her and she was hugged.  He didn't have a blanket, so he just did the latter. "No, suéltame! Go away, I don't want your hugs anymore!" Armando had wrapped his arms around her in a way where her arms were against her and couldn't move. She couldn't hit him because of that, so she tried to push herself away from him by using her feet, but Armando just shushed her and cradled her head against his chest.

It took a couple of minutes of her squirming and crying for him to get away to end, but eventually she tired herself out and slumped against him, letting the hug that she wanted years ago finally happen.

With the yelling no longer happening anymore, the kids were finally starting to come up the stairs to put their backpacks and duffel bags in their rooms. Ruben, being as nosy as he is, peaked his head into the room.

"So, are we still making tacos tonight or— this is a bad time, huh? I'll just—bye."

not armando getting a hug without consent smh... this why men aint shit 🙄🤚🏽

school started for everyone (i think) so how yall doin??? yall better be goin to class, don't be that one girl on tiktok that had a 0.8% in one class 😭😭 how tf she even do that

girl anyways I made a spam book but there's only like 4 things rn 🧍🏽‍♀️

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girl anyways I made a spam book but there's only like 4 things rn 🧍🏽‍♀️

girl anyways I made a spam book but there's only like 4 things rn 🧍🏽‍♀️

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