forty eight

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Playoffs for football were practically right around the corner, and since the football team was held into such a high standard, there was a short pep rally for them.  The first game for the playoff season was going to be against Logan High, and since the pep rally was kept very basic, not the entire cheer team was needed.  However, Alondra was one of the eight invited to perform.  It was really just Ms. C picking the best on the squad and finally giving Alondra the opportunity to finally show off her tumbling skills since she was mainly a base.

Southern California in the winter was amazing because even though the weather has cooled down, there was still sunlight end it was almost the perfect amount of hot and cool air. that being said, as everyone was in the stands or on the stage that student council had set up, no one was bothered by the sunlight or the heat they gave out because there was also a nice breeze. Every since Marcelo, Evelyn, Jaime, and Tito helped the team, the girls were a lot more in sync and performing with rhythm, so it was actually a good turn out.

Billy was taking his time as he introduced every single player on the team, ending it with the starting lineup and the MVP of the year, Spencer. "Now, I've been hearing all the stuff about Logan High knocking out the first seed in playoffs, two seasons in a row. They are calling them the giant killers." Billy said into the microphone, eliciting a wave of boos from the crowd. "Not no more. We are ready for Logan High, y'all. We are ready for Logan High." Billy annunciated, making it clear to the entire school. Although he didn't directly say it, that was basically a promise that Beverly was going to beat one of the toughest schools in the state.

When the pep rally ended, everyone went back to class and the day continued on as usual. Alondra was now in her regular school clothes and not her cheer uniform, walking to lunch when Spencer had approached her. "Yo, did you get your essay back from Vega?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He said mine had no depth and I have to rewrite it or I can't play in the playoff game this Friday." Spencer groaned. "What'd you get?"

"An A+ and a note saying that if I need someone to talk to, he has office hours and a friend who's a therapist." Alondra explained, moving forward in the cafeteria line as she laughed at the last part.

While she laughed at the note Mr. Vega left on her paper, Spencer's headshot over to her. "Therapy? The hell did you write about?"

After getting handed a plate of fettuccine Alfredo, a bougie ass lunch if you asked her, Alondra smiled softly and looked to her best friend. "I wrote about my family getting deported. It was one event that changed my entire life and it's going to be that way possibly for the rest of my life. I live with the fact that I may never get to live in this country with them again, and that changes a lot of the things I do." Alondra explained. "If you want to read it as an example, I can give you mine. But Vega did say it was the only paper they made him cry, so I don't know if you want to."

"You made the teacher cry? Yeah, I want to see the paper."

Alondra shook her head, grabbing a fruit cup and bowl of salad as she continued moving forward. "I'll give it to you when we sit down, needy ass."

Spencer smacked his lips at her and moved forward right behind her, softly shoving her shoulder. "You're the one that offered to give it to me." Alondra started quietly mocking hin, her face even scrunching up, but as quiet as she was, he still heard her. "Man, shut the hell up."

× × ×

It was quite a rare occurrence, especially since the football team still needed to use the field with the playoff season, but because they weren't practicing as much and were taking a short break before their next game, the girls varsity soccer team was able to use the football field for practice. As with many schools, the stadium field was relatively better than the soccer field because, for whatever reason, it was better taken care of. The football field was constantly being checked on, watered, painted over, etc., where as the soccer fields were kind of just big empty areas of grass. You would think that with the amount of cleats that end up on the grass, the school would make an effort to fix any holes that could break ankles, but that was not the case.

The team had just finished their warm-ups and were taking a water break giving the coach time to go over the plan for practice.  "How did you go from being the new girl to being the girl that the Jordan Baker likes?"  One of the players asked, A girl that Alondra didn't even know existed prior to joining the team.  "I swear in all of my years, I have never seen him stick to one girl."

"Jordan?  Yeah, he's a hoe."  Another player chimed in.  "Cute, but definitely has commitment issues."

"Uh, Spencer introduced us at a cookout in Crenshaw and then I transferred schools so... I didn't really do much."  Alondra informed them.  "I just kind of existed, sabes?"

The two girls not it, but the trio continued to drink water.  "Where's your family from again?"

"Aguascalientes, but I've never been out of the country because of the whole immigrant thing, so I'm going for the first time when we have winter break."  Alondra explained, internally surprised that she was asked that question.  Everyone else she met at Beverly kind of brushed off the fact that her family was deported, and no one cared to ask anything personal like that about her family.

"Wait really?  My bisabuela came from Guanajuato."  The first player stated, but Alondra was trying to remember her name.  "She's dead now."

The way she said it was so sudden and blunt that Alondra's jaw dropped in both shock and surprise.  "She's de- oh, lo siento."  Alondra said, not really knowing what else to say as she was still sort of in a state of shock.  "Do you guys know how old the coach is?"  She asked the two quietly.  Ever since tryouts she has subtly been checking out the varsity coach and because she was single, she didn't feel guilty about it.

"Flores?  He graduated a couple of years ago, I think he's 23, right?"  One of the girls replied; the one whose family is from Guanajuato and mentioned her dead great grandmother.  "As a lesbian, that is one fine ass man.  Oh, I'm Azucena, but no one in this ugly ass school pronounces it right, so everyone just calls me Azzy."

"Can I call you Azu?"

"As long as it's not Lily.  That was the ugliest shit I've ever experienced in my life.  Wait you have a sister name Lily, my fault."

"Ladies, let's get back to practice!"

Alondra took one look at Coach Flores before letting out a sigh.  Under her breath, she mumbled, "Sorry papi."

Apparently it wasn't quiet enough because not only did Azucena the other player hear her, but the coach turned around and asked, "Did you say something, Alo?"

She tried not to make herself look suspicious, yet she immediately shook her head. Similar to a child denying the fact that they were holding something in their hands behind their back. "No, sir."

bye i have no idea where the concept of having a hot coach came from, but it is almost midnight so I blame that 😩 I have three more chapters to read and then I have to do my 6 page essay😡

pls why is this something alo would say 💀

pls why is this something alo would say 💀

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