forty three

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After the Combine, the players that got invited were given a couple of hours until they had to meet up with the recruiters.  Rather than getting ready, Jordan drove him and Alondra to a frozen yogurt place by the beach.  There was one by the school, but he drove to the beach for whatever reason. "There is no way that actually happened."

"You don't believe me?  I can kick you and break your shins right now."  Alondra offered, eliciting A laugh from both herself and Jordan. The two were walking on the boardwalk with their cups of frozen yogurt, and with the football season almost being over, Alondra began talking about what she was going to do during the off-season.  How she managed to do cheer and soccer, she had no idea.  "Getting kicked with cleats on hurt like a bitch."

"But breaking someone's shins?"

"Hey, we can find out. Just don't wear shinguards and let me kick you."  Alondra pretended to jump at Jordan, and in response he jumped back and almost tripped over his own feet.  "Not you getting scared."

Jordan take a second to readjust and balance himself, then looked down at Alondra as they continued walking down the boardwalk.  "You're scary sometimes."

Slowing down her walking beside Jordan, Alondra looked up at him with her eyebrows furrowed. "You're like a foot taller than me and like 200 pounds."

"And you destroyed your ex's car and threw a brick at his knees."

The response was not expected whatsoever, so Alondra was stunned for a moment as she try to collect her thoughts. "Touché." She said simply. "That doesn't change the fact that you could still step on me if you really wanted to. Jack and the Beanstalk headass."

"Is that an invitation to step on you?"

"See, this is why we can never have serious conversations.  One of us always says something stupid, and it's usually you."

Jordan shook his head in offense is that you continue to walk down the boardwalk with their cups of frozen yogurt.  "Fine, fine, subject change."  Jordan suggested.  "Spencer said you play soccer, are you joining the team?"

"If the cheer coach lets me. The season is fall and winter, but in Crenshaw, I only had to go to the basketball games. I don't know how you guys do it here though."  She shrugged, quietly smacking her lips when somebody on rollerskates zoomed passed and almost hit her.  "We should go rollerskating."

Dramatically, at least according to Alondra, Jordan gasped. "Are you asking me on a date?"

"I will knock your frozen yogurt to the ground and run away."

Jordan thought she was joking, while Alondra was looking between him and the cup of frozen yogurt in his hand. Since he wasn't exactly paying attention, she slapped the bottom of the cup upwards and took off running down the boardwalk. "Alo, why are you running?!  I drove both of us here!"

× × ×

After their little date on the boardwalk, Jordan and Alondra have been hanging out a lot more. They were kind of getting back to normal, in the sense that they were actually spending time together like when they first met and when she first moved to Beverly. The whole Ripley and drug test situation kind of divided them, so now they were almost normal. They've been going out on little dates, so little that some people might not even consider it a date, but they were definitely closer than ever, and it was some thing that everyone in their friend group had noticed.

Since they shared a lot of the same classes, Jordan has suggested a study date since midterms were coming up, but he didn't know about Billy accusing Alondra of getting Jordan into drugs. However, he didn't question when she said they should do it at her house instead, but it might've been because he has never been there before and just wanted to see what it looked like. The Cisneros Family, at least the Beverly Hills version, was known to be very wealthy since Rachel was a famous fashion designer and Armando worked in real estate, working mainly with mansions. Basically, their house made the Baker's house look small in comparison, but no one older than Madison and Ruben had the pleasure of actually being inside of it.

"How is the walk-in area the size of my living room?" Jordan asked, but it wasn't really directed to anyone, he was just kind of speaking aloud.  He had driven the both of them after practice, since Alondra didn't have a car, so they both walked into the house with their backpacks on their backs, obviously. 

"We can go outside. Lily usually gets a lot of energy and starts running around, so it's quieter out there." Alondra led Jordan through the house, and he was marveling at everything. As much as she didn't like her, Alondra had to admit that Rachel had a good designing taste. Everything looked so clean and put together, and expensive, but along with that, Jordan was paying attention to the fact that it actually took them a minute for them to go from the front door to the back door, even though they were just walking straight the whole time.

Madison, Ruben and Lily were all passed by along the way, but since Madison still had a little crush on Jordan, she was the only one that actually paid attention when they walked in the kitchen to get snacks and then walked out the back door. "Am I the only one that saw that?" She asked.

Lily looked up from her art worksheet, the only noise coming from her was her taking out and putting colored pencils into her pencil pouch. "That's Alo's boyfriend, duh." Lily rolled her eyes, silently thinking to herself about how her and Madison were possibly related.

"Didn't they break up?" Madison asked, looking more at Ruben since he and Alondra talked about their lives together.

"Technically, they never dated, but he definitely likes her. I heard Olivia telling Alo about how this is the first time she has seen Jordan do that."

"Do what, exactly?"

With a sigh, Ruben momentarily threw his head back. "Put effort into a girl he likes. He was a playboy all last year, and Olivia calls this settling down."

PLS THIS IS JUST A FILLER DONT YELL AT ME 🏃🏽‍♀️ i'm trying to get them to be more on the talking stage but im not trying to write out 10 dates in full detail 🙄

anyways idky all my teachers this semester think they are my only class... like there is no reason I should have multiple test and project due in the same exact week 😃 my math teacher is the only chill one and his class isn't even that hard😡

baes how u been⁉️ yall rockin with s3⁉️ shameless plug: if u wanna talk about spoilers, we do that in my spam book so we don't ruin it for anyone😼

baes how u been⁉️ yall rockin with s3⁉️ shameless plug: if u wanna talk about spoilers, we do that in my spam book so we don't ruin it for anyone😼

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