11 Consider This a Warning to Always Check Underneath the Bed

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"What do you mean he won't be coming?" My still fiancé and not husband takes a step toward the pilot.

"Preeminence Moretti does not wish for him to be involved with your . . . situation."

I grip Jonas's arm with one hand. The other holds my bag. Alastair was going to be our one ally on Amoria. Erik surely isn't going to help.

Alastair's eyes are a mixture of regret and fire as he is held back by two Amoris.

The pilot motions to a door. "You may stay in the heir's quarters. We will prepare a room for your fiancée."

"That won't be necessary," I respond in Amorian, with all the confidence of a bride whose wedding day was not just ruined by her groom being arrested. "I will be staying with him. You don't expect me to let him out of my sight, do you?"

The pilot looks surprised I've been able to understand him this whole time, let alone speak to him in Amorian. Instead of protesting or arguing though, he walks past us to the door leading into Alastair's room and types in the code. The hair at the back of my neck rises. I don't like that Jonas won't be secure in there.

The pilot pushes the door open. The room is larger than I expected, and every piece of furniture looks as if it costs a fortune. It's elegant, and the design is precise and exquisite. The black desk gleams, reminding me of an endless pool of black ink, drawing the viewer in. It's like staring into space when all the stars have winked out.

I swallow the lump in my throat and blink away tears as I turn away from the room. Jonas and I were supposed to be on a plane tonight. Happily married.

Not this.

At least he's not in chains. Small mercies.

Alastair is still held by the Amoris. "I'm so sorry, Preeminence."

Jonas sets his bag down on the floor. "This isn't your fault. Take care of my sister. Don't let my brother get out of hand." Jonas looks down at me. His eyes are glistening with tears, and I can see in them that he believes he'll never see either of them again, and it's killing him Colton wouldn't come say goodbye. No one could get a hold of him. He was upset at the ceremony—everyone could tell that—but to not even come say goodbye?

Jonas's jaw clenches. He's struggling. He needs away from these Amoris. From eyes that don't belong on him.

I nod to Alastair, and he nods back, a simple dip of the head bidding us farewell.

I close the door, and Jonas lets out a shaky breath. Setting my bag on the floor, I guide him to the bed.

As I sit down, he's silent. I brush my hand over the side of his face, dragging my hand through his hair.

"If they throw me in a prison, Iris, I can't protect you from the Orders. What if they want to hurt you because I've kept this secret?"

I swipe my thumb underneath his eye, gathering his tears before they can fall and then do the same on the other side of his face. "Don't worry about me."

"I can't not." His hands rest in his lap, and he stares down at them. "Why do you think Colton didn't want to see me? He already knew what I was. It wasn't as if this was a shock to him."

I place my hand on his. "He cares about you. Which is saying a lot for him."

Jonas laughs softly.

"He was probably overcome with emotion," I add.

"Are we talking about the same brother?"

"He is your only brother."

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