25 Screaming

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Hello, my loves! It's one of my favorite times in any of these books: the ballroom scenes. I've listed below the music that inspired me while writing this chapter. I've also put in links to Youtube within the chapter so you can play the music while listening to those specific parts if you'd like.

Moonchild Ballad by Lyn from Tale of the Nine Tailed

My Love And... by Gaemi and Park Jung Hwan from The King: Eternal Monarch


Iris's screams ring through the hallway. Veil are stationed on either end to keep any would-be heroes out.

I cross my arms, frowning. After running into her and the two Veil in the hall, I followed them.

It's been thirty minutes, and she hasn't quieted down.

They wouldn't torture her, would they? This is only her throwing a temper tantrum, right?

I wish I could be sure because one wrong move, one misstep, and I'll have ruined all of Rydersin's efforts in becoming Preeminence. I'm not going to screw this up for the woman who wants my help over the one who didn't.


I turn, hoping I'm successfully keeping a grimace off my face.

Colton walks toward me, all while attempting to see past me. "What's going on?"

Percy follows close behind him.

Iris screams.

Their eyes widen, theirONLYONWATTPADBENDERsteps quickening. Grabbing hold of Colton, I keep him from passing me. When he tries to pry my hands off, I tighten my grip.

"You can't get involved," I say.

Lines form across his forehead. "What are you—What are they doing to her?"

"I don't know." I sigh. "Probably nothing."

"Erik, it's Iris."

Obviously. I scoff. "You can recognize her from her screams, can you?"

His eyes narrow.

"Where's Jonas?" Percy asks before Colton can punch me.

I shrug. "Don't know."

The pounding coming from her door grows more insistent, and she cries out.

Colton stiffens. "Did they do something to him?"

Giving him a wary look, I let him go. "I know nothing. Happy to hear me admit it?"

Colton rubs at his arm, his gaze on Iris's door. "She's done this before. Once. And not like this. Only the screaming. And that was in her sleep."

"Are you often near her when she's asleep?"

"She was loud enough to wake me and many others in the Estate."

"And was Jonas torturing Iris to illicit this screaming?"

Percy frowns. "She was having a nightmare that Odette was killing Jonas." If she'd learn to lucid dream, she wouldn't end up in a situation like that. She could whisk her and her beloved Jonas off to a meadow where the grass tastes like rock candy and unicorns graze on it.

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