70 Home Is Where Erik Is Not, I Guess

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Hidden under the cover of night, our ship waits for us on the private landing strip of Acquaellia's Order. The two moons shine down on the ship's chrome surface, casting a hallow of light back into the air. At the base of the stairs that lead up into the ship is Ean, who speaks with the pilot, a close friend of Rydersin's.

Only a few hours ago, Ean told us he'd heard Erik had chosen not to come see us off. I can't blame him, as much as I want to, and I hate that I want to because it means I miss him. He has a new life to write and it's not at the Estate where he has caused too much hurt and pain for his family to ever entirely forgive him.

I'm not sure I will be able to either. We both betrayed Jonas, and if it was as simple as that then maybe I could, but I didn't hurt my brother physically. I didn't drag him away from his home and lock him underground. I wasn't the reason he carved his Expiration Date off of himself. I wasn't the reason Vienna had to help him.

And Erik nearly succeeded in destroying the Estate, and with it the Society. Andrew would be forgiven long before Erik, and I don't foresee the Society welcoming Andrew back into our fold. And I can't see Andrew wanting that.

Off to the side near the car, Iris and Jonas speak in low tones, probably whispering sweet nothings to each other. The car door opens, and Percy steps out, Vienna still inside. He makes his way over to me.

"Elisana says they're five minutes away."

I glance into the car to see Vienna and cross my arms. "You're so certain then that she's not leading the Orders to us?"

"Do you have a Plan B to get home?"


"Has already done enough."

He's right though I won't admit it aloud.

Vienna pushes open the car door and comes to join us, her expression drawn. "You two aren't fighting again, are you?"

Percy smiles at her and for once it's not malicious. "Us? Fighting? You wound me with your accusation."

Vienna rolls her eyes before taking hold of my arm and stepping into my side. I wrap my arm around her, trying to shield her from the cool night air.

"I take it the check of the ship was uneventful?" she asks.

I nod. Ean and I checked it when we arrived. As he speaks with the pilot, he gestures to the plane, but he doesn't look concerned. "I'm still not sure we can trust him."

Vienna lifts an eyebrow. "You don't trust anyone."

"Well, when I do trust someone then you know they're legitimate."


"But seriously." I sigh, eyes on Ean. "He's doing all this so he can convince Riley he's a good person and meet him? Is Riley even that great of a person?"

Percy claps my shoulder hard enough that I tilt forward. "Let me put it this way. He's a better person than you."

I barely have time to glare at him before headlights streak across our faces, and Iris and Jonas pull away from their lovers' conversation as a car pulls up beside ours. The headlights are eye-numbingly bright until they cut off, and for a few seconds all I can see is black.

As my vision starts to return, I make out the shape of doors opening first. I blink and Andrew, Basile, and Elisana are walking up to us.

I don't know what expression I have on my face that prompts Elisana to address me first. "Don't worry. Acquaellia's Order isn't behind us. If anything, they're on your brother's side. They wouldn't appreciate my father and uncles disregarding their vote." Her eyes shift to Percy, and she dips her head. My cousin returns the gesture.

Heaven help me. I'm going to be stuck with the roiling sexual tension broiling between these two for thirteen days inside a tiny capsule with nothing but the vast limitless unending realm of space around us.

Jonas comes up to Basile and places his hand on his arm. "They told me how you helped. You have my deepest gratitude, Basile."

Andrew's face tightens, and he looks like he's a few seconds away from tearing the hand of the man he tried to kill off the man he loves, but he claps his hands behind his back and forces a tight-lipped smile. Still, it has to be hard for him. But then in that case, you know, don't try to kill my brother.

"If you have any belongings," Iris says, taking Jonas's other hand, in perhaps a silent urge to get him to move before he ticks Andrew off, "you should grab them. We need to go."

Andrew and Percy retrive the few bags in Elisana's car and carry them up into the ship. Anything we had, we had to leave in Gadfrie. Thankfully, Ean and I found a few changes of clothes that Rydersin had provided when we checked the ship. Iris and Jonas follow after my cousins, Basile and Elisana behind them.

Vienna tilts her head back, looking up at me. "You ready?"

I run my thumb over her finger where I soon plan to slide a ring. "Let's go home." 

I think I have an announcement to make at the end of the next chapter. It depends on if the next chapter is what I think it's going to be. (It's not the last chapter but we're close!)

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