60 He's Not My Brother-in-law

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It doesn't take long for the rest of the Order to file in to the chamber and take their thrones. Percy hasn't stopped glancing back at the door since we arrived, and if I've noticed that, it means I've been doing the same. Usually, Iris and Jonas can fend for themselves, but lately that hasn't been the case—at all.

            Vienna drags a soothing hand down my arm, and my shoulders relax a little. This is the last Order we need to convince, and then we can go home, and I can slide an engagement ring on her finger. The one I've had hidden in my room for so many years.

            "We've heard from other Orders about your request," the Preeminence dives right in. "We have no objections to your sister's—your Tresais's heir becoming Preeminence of Elleany's next Order." Is that because they don't see anything wrong with the idea or because the Head Order has voted that way? How many of Gadfrie's decisions reflect their own beliefs rather than others? "Leorus has expressed to us that Alastairi might marry your sister."

            I frown, tired of hearing about this. "She'd have to agree to that first."

            A few of the Order members exchange looks.

            My neck prickles. "What is it that I don't know?"

            "We've heard they are dating." The Beta taps a finger against his throne, and I grow cold. "Or the better term might be courting."

            "Gwen and Alastair?"

            The Preeminence tilts his head. "I'm fairly certain I said his name. Did I not?"

            I swallow down the lump in my throat. "No, you did. Forgive me, Preeminence. I'm just surprised."

            "Why? Leorus wants this marriage, and so Alastairi is pursuing her."

            I'm about to retch all over this floor. Let them all call me dramatic, but this is my sister. "Not because he wants to, though?"

            "I believe obeying his father takes priority."

            He won't love her. He'll never love her. He'll only see her as a chore, an order. He'll break my sister's heart a thousand times over.

            "Our concern, however, with your request is about what you want."

            I take Vienna's hand. "I know what that is."

            "You'd give up your heir being Preeminence even if you held the title?"

            "I am not Preeminence. My brother is. Giving this up is no sacrifice on my part."

            "Your brother is Expired. You cannot know when he'll die."

            And now I'm really regretting leaving them alone.

            "I know what I want, Preeminence. My brother knows what he wants, and so does my sister. I've made my decision."

            The Preeminence pins me with his gaze, his expression giving away nothing. "If so, then we've made ours. We grant your request to marry Ms. Rosen, and for your sister's heir to become Preeminence."

            The weight of his words settles over me. It's a surprise my knees don't buckle. They've all said yes. All the Orders of Amoria.

            "Now, please"—the Beta stands—"go and enjoy the ball." It's a polite dismissal. I don't want to risk angering them by lingering, and I'm eager to return to my brother and Iris.

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