21 You're a Disgrace

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Rydersin places her hand down on my arm lightly. Before us is the door that leads into the Senate chambers. "Are you all right?" she asks.

Jonas is here. Iris is here. I glance back down the hallway. I can no longer see them. Percy, Vienna, Colton. They're here as well. Why?


My family, they're here.

"Why do you think your cousin and his fiancée are on Amoria?"

The only reason I can imagine Amoria would revoke their word, stop the wedding, and bring them all the way here is that they've been told Jonas is Expired. But the Amoris that found out is locked away in Elleany. "I have no idea."

The door before us opens, and a man with red hair with streaks of gold I imagine are covering gray stands there. Rydersin curtsies, and I follow her lead, bowing.

"Digamma," she murmurs.

"Rydersin." He doesn't sound pleased. "Come with me."

She turns to me. "Are you sure you're all right to come?"

I force a smile. "Absolutely."

She tells her Veil to wait behind, and she and I follow the Digamma into what is clearly a cave and down a set of stairs. Damp air settles over my skin, but it's not unbearable. After experiencing Borilia's harsh temperatures, the warmth is welcomed.

If Amoria knows Jonas is Expired, then there are more implications than I could ever imagine. Issue after issue will be created. And then there's Rydersin, and then me who is not only involved with her cause but entangled in Jonas's secret as well. If that is why they are here, how would my knowledge of his Expiration Date affect her petition for the title?

At the bottom of the stairs, the cave opens into a cavern where the Order are seated on thrones made from the rock. The Digamma takes his spot among their ranks.

Rydersin curtsies. "Order."

But the Orders' eyes are not on her; they're on me.

"Rydersin Torellea," Preeminence Leorus says. Alastair's father.

"Thank you for agreeing to see me. As you're aware, I'm here to petition my claim for the title of Acquaellia's Preeminence. Surielius and Odalia have already voted in favor of me."

The Beta traces a finger down his cheek and along his jaw. "Strangely, your request is not the most shocking thing before us."

Rydersin's brows furrow. "I—I don't understand what you—"

My heart sinks, and as the full weight of their stares bore down on me, I want to sink into the ground, let the cave, let Amoria swallow me up.

"You dare show your face here, Erik?" The Preeminence's fingers grip his throne, the knuckles whitening.

I grimace, feeling the urge to take a step back, but the Order surrounds me. There is no way for me to step that will put distance between me and them. I shove my hands in my front pockets, and immediately regret the decision. Coming across relaxed might not be the best course of action. One slip up and I'll compromise Jonas. At this point I'm quite certain this is about him. It's always been about him. Though if my family is here, where is Alastair? "If this is about me ignoring your son's calls, I assure you there are no hard feelings between us."

The Douze taps a finger against the armrests of his throne. "I'm certain you encountered your cousin in the hall."

I nod.

"We know you're aware he's Expired."

Rydersin's head snaps in my direction.

"And what does his status have to do with the lackluster welcome we received from you?"

"It was your duty to report his crime," the Delta says, eyes burning.

"Apologies, I didn't realize there was a hotline to report raggioets."

"Blackwood," the Beta bites out through gritted teeth.

Before we arrived in Borilia, we were informed that there would be a ball tomorrow night, and that the attire is black suits and dresses. Does the ball have something to do with Jonas's presence? If this were Elleany, I might say the dress code is foreboding, but this is Amoria where black is not worn to funerals but red. Even the dead are put to rest clothed in it. At least I know the ball won't be a cover for Jonas's funeral.

Hands still in my pockets, I let out a sigh and look up at the Preeminence, Tresais, and Epsilon with my sincerest, most innocent expression, my head still slightly bowed. "I truly did not realize there'd be an issue after your decisions regarding Iris."

Leorus's chest rises and falls deeply, and he stands. "I'd recommend waiting outside the chamber—that is if you don't want your presence to hurt Ms. Torellae any further."

"She has nothing to do with Jonas."

"But you do. And she for some stars-forsaken reason thought you would be the perfect person to help her cause. You who tried destroying the Society. You who scorned your position as Tresais. You who caused someone to live past their Expiration Date and have now hidden the presence of another raggioet. You are a disgrace."

My hands, my jaw, they all tremble. Words fail me, and I lower my gaze to the ground. Even so, I can feel Rydersin's eyes searing into my neck. I've failed her. I was the worst possible choice and yet she wanted me, and I failed her.

For her sake, though, I manage a small bow. "Order."

Before I can rise, the Preeminence says, "You will be escorted to your chambers where you will remain until dinner."

Hands clenched behind my back, I straighten. "I didn't realize I was a prisoner."

"Until our witnesses address Jonas Blackwood, we are not allowing you or any in Ms. Torellea's party to have any communication with those from Elleany."

"Witnesses?" Did they bring the Amoris that found out Jonas is Expired back with them?

"They will be arriving after dinner."

"Who though?" Is it possible Odette and her Order found out Jonas is Expired? It's possible that Amoris told someone. But please let it be anyone but them.

"We will not be disclosing that information to you at this time."

From the stairway, a Veil approaches me. "This way, please." He motions to the steps.

As I follow him, I look back at Rydersin. Her eyes are wide, her lips slightly parted. What is she thinking? What is she feeling?

I'm sorry, I mouth to her before I walk up the stairs, putting the Order and Rydersin behind me.

The next chapter will be from Colton's POV and then it will be Jonas's when it will be time to meet the witnesses.

Any ideas what color Iris will be wearing to the ball?

I'm so excited to be participating for a second year as a mentor in the Bootcamp Mentorship Program designed to help you get ready for the Wattys 2021! You can find my bio and wishlist posted as a book on my profile.By going to the BootcampMentors guide book, you'll be able to find out who else is a mentor and how to find out what they are looking for. You'll also learn how you can enter! You have until the 16th of May (2021)!

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