42 Erik Wouldn't Let Me Name This Chapter

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Someone's cold hand grasps my chin, pulling my head up. I open my eyes and find Rydersin's father staring at me, his face twisted in disgust. My neck and shoulders are stiff from me only being able to slouch and not lie down, my hands chained securely to the ground so I can't strangle him.

"It doesn't seem like my daughter is coming for you."

"I thought I've been clear that she wouldn't."

His fingers dig into my chin. "Then what do you suggest I do with you?"

"You're the one who kidnapped me. You figure it out."

The door swings open, and the Preeminence jerks away from me. A woman, dressed in a Veil uniform, runs inside. "Preeminence, there's been a disturbance outside. You're needed at once."

The Preeminence lets go of me, and my head droops under its own weight. "I want Veil guarding him," he snaps, heading for the door but pauses. "Do you know what it is?"

The woman shakes her head. "No, Preeminence." She taps an earpiece calling for Veil and a moment later six enter the room, in uniform, with guns strapped to their hips.

"Preeminence." The woman shifts her weight. "We should get you—"

"Hello, Father."

My eyes snap to the door where Rydersin stands framed in its doorway, flanked by her Veil. She's dressed similar to them, but her shirt is white, and her sleeves are rolled up.

"Rydersin." The Preeminence clenches his teeth. His Veil raise their guns, but he throws out his hand to the side. "Lower your weapons."

Rydersin's eyes land on me before returning to her father. "You've taken what's mine, I see."


"Yours? He was convinced he meant nothing to you."

"I'm talking about the clothes I bought him."

I snort while the Preeminence eyes go steely. She did in fact buy me by current outfit, the clothes I wore when we were all at dinner.

"I don't kidnap your employees. Why should you do it to mine?"

"So that's all he is? You're not in a relationship?"

Rydersin rolls her shoulders back. "Forgive me, Father, but I'm a bit confused on what you want here. Do you want him to mean more to me than he does?"

"I hate the idea of you tarnishing your reputation with him."

I bristle. Maybe he's right. Maybe being linked to me could only tarnish her in the end, but it still hurts to hear because I don't want it to be true. I want her to be able to shine beside me.

"Once I'm Preeminence, I think my reputation will be safe. But thank you for the concern. Now let me take the former Tresais with me and then you can go back to enjoying your evening."

"If you want him, then you'll give up your foolish pursuit."

Rydersin's eyes flash. "I wasn't asking, Father. Give me Erik and then you and I will see each other in a few days."

"Give up your mission."

Rydersin's lips inch into a smirk. "The rest of your Order would side with me, wouldn't they? That's why you're doing this. Because you know you'll lose. Is it so bad to imagine me on your throne? Is your reputation really so fragile, it couldn't survive your daughter's?"

Exposed [Book 4 in the Expiring Series]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora