5 Adventures in the Sand

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Alastair disembarks from the plane far too quickly for the future leader of any world. While I can't meet his eyes, it's not hard to imagine, they're scanning the ranks of my Order searching for Gwen. Behind him on the steps are two other male Amoris.

As the trio reaches us, they bow to the members of the Order individually, murmuring our titles. After going down the line, Alastair turns to me. "Where is your Tresais?"

I knew it.

"Helping my fiancée with last minute preparations." In two days I'll be married. Every time I think about it, the idea that in two days she'll be my wife still fills me with surprise that we've even made it this far, that we're still standing—literally and figuratively. Growing up, I never believed I would have the chance to be married.

And now my sister is helping to set up the final elements of my wedding.

Alastair had to expect that Gwen would be here, especially after how close they seemed to grow last time he was here, Gwen serving as his translator for French. "I look forward to seeing them both again." He motions to the two Amoris behind him, his face growing serious, and introduces them to us, explaining that they serve his father's Order. The head Order. They each bow again before excusing themselves to check on the luggage situation.

Colton steps forward and motions to our limo. "I'm sure you're eager to settle into your room. Would you join us?"

Alastair tilts his head to the side, as if questioning my brother's offer, before nodding. "Certainly."

He, my Order, and I settle into the limo for the ride back to the Society. The two Amoris who came with Alastair will be taken to the Estate after they've sorted out everything they need to at the private airport.

I let out a deep breath through my nose, hoping it goes unnoticed. It would be a lie to say I did not expect to be arrested the moment Alastair exited his ship. Did Illias, the Amoris from France who knows my secret, tell the truth when he said he told no one about my Expired Mark? Sebastian and Tobias had to leave my bachelor retreat earlier than the rest of us to take care of the Amoris since he is off limits to the rest of Society besides for Colton. They claimed they were going to set up a surprise for me. The others were too hungover to care to remember to ask about the surprise.

Alastair's seated himself next to me. "Is your sister's wrist healed?"

"I believe mostly. Though if it weren't, she would never admit it."

Eli flicks a piece of lint off the thigh of his pants. "How is our cousin?" I'm sure his question has more to do with the bargain they made about what kind of job Erik would get than to do with Eli caring about his cousin's wellbeing.

"He says he is doing well, though he hasn't had a chance to meet with me. I assure you that I have tried."

August leans forward. "Do you know what kind of house he has?"

"Or what kind of job?" Percy asks.

"I don't believe he's settled down yet, but he must have found a job if he hasn't asked for help."

That's debatable. Erik doesn't ask for help. And if he does, it's rare and usually only because he's desperate.

Seong-ho tilts his head. "Do you have spies who could keep an eye on him?"

"Zeta," Colton frowns. "I am sure Alastair has far more important things to do."

"Actually, I don't." He laughs, a bit self-deprecatingly. "My father is still Preeminence. I'm afraid I'm not incredibly important right now."

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