67 Yes, They're Still in the Tunnel

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         Preeminence Moretti is the first to appear.

He runs his dark purple eyes over me before looking at Xioazhi, his eyes dispassionate, no recognition to be found in them. Still wearing the gown Gadfrie gave her tonight, Xioazhi's not dressed as a Veil. The gown is littered with slits and tears in the skirt and bodice, giving the appearance that she just got out of a fierce battle with a giant spider. As the Preeminence drags his eyes to Basile, more men join him, a mix of Order members and Veil. I count seventeen members of the two Orders and ten Veil.

"Erik," Leorus says at last.


"I didn't expect you to help them. Not after your exportation."

"No one forced me to come to Amoria. It was my decision."

"Truly?" he asks though his tone says he'd be disinterested in what I would answer. "You can't stop us, so why don't you make this . . . comfortable for all of us and step to the side?"

"I think I'm good."

"You're not worried how this will reflect on Rydersin? You're in her employ after all." It's as good a confirmation as any that he doesn't know who Xioazhi is.

"I believe you've gravely misunderstood, Preeminence. Rydersin isn't paying me."

At that, Xioazhi snaps her head to me.

Leorus grinds his teeth, and judging by the looks the Veil and other Order members throw, they're trying to figure out a way around us that will cause them the least amount of hits as possible.

"Rydersin is my friend," I continue. "She will never have to pay me to help her." I step toward him, and the Veil around him come toward me like a wave readying to break. But they don't touch me. They don't want to be the spark that lights the cannon.

Unfortunately for them I have no problem being that.

Leorus gives me a look dripping with disgust. "What are you doing, Erik?"

"Something I imagine my family has dreamed of doing."

I punch him.

He stumbles back into the arms of two awaiting Order members, and the cannon lit, Veil pour down on me. With every punch, every movement my body exerts, I feel a surge of energy flowing through me rather than feeling my energy drain. I must be riding a high from punching that son of a platypus in the face.

Even if they win in the end, even if they get past us, I will be buying my family time. Time for Ean to lead them out. Time for him to get them somewhere safe.

"Erik!" Basile shouts, and I duck just in time to miss the heavy roundish object flying through the air at my head. Hitting the ground, it shatters into hundreds of porcelain pieces. Someone tried to bash me in the head with a vase?

Someone actually picked up a vase before coming in here and was like you know what I'm going to carry this and try to hit that blonde dude with it?

Xioazhi sweeps up a shard and swipes it at an Order member. As it makes contact with his sleeve, he slaps his hand over his arm and hisses at her.

I know men like to say women engage in cat fights, but that doesn't mean they speak cat.

I turn, ready for my next opponent only to come face to face with Leorus who drags the sleeve of his shirt over his nose, smearing blood.

"Any regrets?" I ask with a smile.

He sneers. "Your cousin thinks all he has to do is ask and it will be given to him. He has no regard for rules that have been in place since before your grandfather was born."

"Then you don't know my cousin very well. There's nothing he loves more than following rules. He asks rather than outright breaking them because he respects Amoria and the Orders before him. He may be Expired, but the Society loves him." I duck in time to avoid a Veil's fist swinging through the air. As I straighten, I punch them in the stomach and toss them to the side before drawing closer to Leorus. "The only thing you've succeeded in is making an enemy of Elleany."

He laughs revealing the blood coating his teeth. "It doesn't matter if I've become their enemy. My son will soon be Preeminence and once he marries Gwen, Elleany will be back under our control."

I punch him just to shut him up.

He hits the ground, and okay, I really didn't intend to hit him that hard, but whatever works.

More Veil come our way from down the tunnel. 

"Erik." Xioazhi brushes against me and jabs a Veil in the stomach. "We need to go."

It doesn't feel right to retreat. But we've bought my family time. If Basile wants to go home, he cannot be captured. I don't think Amoria would have any intention of sending him back to Earth after what he's done here.

I shout his name, grabbing his attention, and the three of us ease back, fighting off the Veil until we reach the fork in the tunnel. The moment my shoe hits the barrier, I break off into the path my family didn't take. Xioazhi's and Basile's feet pound against the ground behind me.

The Veil and Order members shout as they break into a run after us.

Xioazhi passes me and veers to the right into a tunnel I can't see until we're in it. The space is tight, the darkness choking, but a sliver of golden light appears, growing bigger before a sitting room is revealed. We stumble through the light and into the room, and the panel in the wall slides back in place.

Someone curses. Across the room, where a fire burns in a hearth, stand Karn and Meilin, Karn's shirt wrinkled, and Meilin's dress slightly pulled down on her shoulder.

No one moves, all of us looking at one another like we've been caught doing something naughty. Yeah sure I punched the Preeminence, but Karn and Meilin have finally clearly made a move on each other and were up to some naughty business. I think Basile however is just a bit shocked that this has become his life.

Something screeches, and I look toward Basile who's actually dragging a bookshelf in front of the panel and is not in fact standing here looking confused like the rest of us.

I start to help him, grabbing hold of the bookshelf by the other end.

"Xioazhi," Meilin squeaks as she rips herself away from Karn. His hands now empty, open and close like he doesn't know what to do with them.

Xioazhi crosses the room, headed for the door, and waves her hand as if dismissing their worries. "We need to leave. Can the two of you get Rydersin and Erik's cousin, Andrew, out?"

Karn heads toward Xioazhi. "Yes." He doesn't even bother asking what the situation is. I guess us coming through the wall like ghosts makes it clear enough that there's a big problem.

"We'll meet up with you outside the palace. Once we're out of Gadfrie, we'll be safe."

Karn gives a sharp nod and leaves. Meilin, stealing a glimpse at her sister, slips out after him.

I drag a chair in front of the bookshelf. "Assuming you have a plan for getting us out of here, what is it?"

Xioazhi turns to us and smiles, quite the rare sight. "We're surrounded by water. Naturally, we're going swimming."

Happy birthday to Erik Blackwood!

Is anyone going to Wattcon this year?

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