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When we arrive at the Preeminence of Acquaellia's home, we're told he's not in residence and shown to the pool deck where we're his other guests are relaxing.

The pool deck overlooks a series of lakes that from here seem like puddles, and he pool, a turquoise blue, curves in the shape of a lowercase m, but the view isn't enough to distract me from the four guests.

Stepping back, I grab Jonas's hand and shift my right arm toward my back as Percy and the woman beside him, Elisana, look up. We didn't expect to have to share our news with family so soon.

Colton and Vienna twist around, looking over their shoulders, and it feels as if someone has tied my throat in a knot. When Preeminence Moretti led us from the ballroom to our fates, Colton did nothing, and now seeing him here, I think I know why.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Erik popped out of the water," Jonas mutters.

Colton pushes back his chair and stands. "Brother."

Jonas nods curtly.

The Beta's eyes shift to mine, and they seem unsure, anxious. "Iris."

My lips press into a flat line. I thought Jonas and I were being led to our deaths. I thought Colton would save us. I counted on that. On him. But he must have struck some deal with Leorus regarding him and Vienna, something that would ensure the Head Preeminence did not have his plans for us interfered with: his plan to have me play the role of live prey thrown into an exhibit to feed a predator.

I begin to tremble.

Odette isn't here. She's locked up. All the way on another continent.

But didn't I tell myself when I was on Earth that she was all the way on another planet? And look what still happened.

The four of themONLYONWATTPADBENDERapproach us, Percy at the forefront. I wonder how his babysitting gig has been going for him.

Jonas lets go of my hand to shift his new mark toward his back.

"Preeminence," Percy bows, all decorum and grace.

"Didn't you hear?" Jonas's voice drawls. "The Head Order revoked my title."

Both his cousins flinch.

Jonas slides his right arm around my back, fully hiding his new mark. "Is she here to ensure you stay in whatever parameters Leorus gave you?" He jerks his head toward Elisana who pales.

Colton shifts his eyes to her. "I'm still trying to figure that out myself."

The door behind us opens, and Jonas and I turn around quickly only to find an attendant holding a tray of water and fruit and not a weapon.

Percy swears.

I clench my fingers of my right hand, my arm of which is now visible.

"Tell me you didn't," Percy says in English and grabs Jonas by the shoulder, whipping him around to face him.

"Is there a reason why we shouldn't have?" Jonas's voice is cold.

"You were just arrested and lost your title. One would think you have much larger problems to deal with than settling down and sleeping with your girlfriend."

"My wife you mean."

A muscle in Percy's jaw ticks. "Don't you think this will only further infuriate Leorus once he learns of it?"

"He was the one who originally approved my request to marry Iris in the first place."

"You should have waited until you were back on Earth and—"

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