Epilogue 1

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Hello! Below is the first epilogue for Exposed. It's pretty much all fun, no stress. If you missed my announcement, the rewritten versions of books 1 and 2 and the updated version of book 3 are now up. I've also been posting some bonus chapters over in The Expiring Series Bonus Chapters book.


Jonas and I walk Darcy around to the back deck of the beach bar grill. There are Veil undercover, spaced throughout the restaurant and stationed around its perimeter. Ever since we returned from Amoria, security for Jonas and me has been tightened. I'm still not used to it, but if it keeps Jonas, and in turn Darcy safe, then I definitely won't be complaining.

The waitress shows us to our table tucked into the corner of the deck that overlooks the beach and the citrusy orange and quartz pink sunset. The patrons nearest to our table dare to give us a quick glance before returning to their own meals, very evidently scared of the Preeminence. But Darcy, who knows nothing of political intimidation, sniffs at the ankles of their chairs, and I pull her back with a tug on her leash, offering them a smile and apology—because I am also not schooled on instilling fear into the public.

The patrons give us sheepish smiles and laugh it off. Even if they were annoyed by Darcy, it wouldn't do them well to complain about the Preeminence's dog. And who could be annoyed at that sweet face?

Jonas has hardly noticed any of this, instead staring intently at the back of his menu where the drinks are listed. "Have you ever had a Bahama Mama?"

I nod. "Once or so, but I'm sticking with a Miami Vice."

"That's the third one in a row."

I smile innocently. "No one at home makes them as good as they do here."

Originally, we were supposed to honeymoon across Asia, and while we haven't ruled out the idea, we didn't want to leave Darcy for so long or try to navigate multiple foreign countries with a puppy. So Jonas found us a place on the Gulf side of Florida, and we haven't had any issues bringing her along with us to places. Jonas joked earlier that we should get her a stroller for the times when her energy does eventually run out and she plops down on the ground, refusing to move another inch. In those cases, Jonas has taken to carrying her like a baby.

The waitress returns with a bowl of water for Darcy and glasses of it for me and Jonas before taking our drink and food orders. Something I've been loving about these beach grills is that they've perfected the fry. Crispy with just a bit of fluff. Oh and they all have grilled cheese on the menu.

Once she leaves, I take a sip of my water and look out on the sun setting below the water that sparkles, bathed in what looks like fire. "I'm surprised you haven't heard from any of them yet." I was certain one of his cousins or siblings in the Order would have called by now with some emergency that they definitely could have been able to handle on their own but were only calling to get some sort of gossip on our honeymoon to share with the rest of the Society.

"Maybe they know I really just want to be left alone."

Throwing him a crooked grin, I start to stand. "In that case—"

Jonas grabs my hand and tugs gently. "I meant, left alone with you."

"And Darcy."

"And Darcy."

"And two dozen Veil."

"I could do without them."

I place my finger to my lips. "Don't let them hear you say that. You might hurt their feelings."

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