tips for shifting to the 50's (or another era)

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Now that I've been trying to shift the the 50's for almost three months I've managed to come up with some tips for anyone else who might want to shift to the 50's or another era. These tips are very heavily based on my own DR, my high school in a small town in Washington state from 1955-1959, but the advice can be adapted to fit most DR's in a different time period.

(as usual, this is a disclaimer that I am NOT shifting to the 50's because I agree with the ideals of that time period, I'm shifting for the relationships and the experience)

(as usual, this is a disclaimer that I am NOT shifting to the 50's because I agree with the ideals of that time period, I'm shifting for the relationships and the experience)

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Obviously you want to include all the basics in your script, like a safe word, details about yourself and your friends, etc. but there are some more specific things that I think you might want to script if you're shifting to the 50's.

1- This is a biggie, script out sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. Seriously, this was not a happy time for minorities or women. If you really don't want to script it out so you can get the real experience or something like that at least script that your friends and family are really supportive and not racist or sexist or any of that.

2- Script that you know what's going on in that era, it would be awkward if you just shift and can't remember who the president is because it's irrelevant in 2021.

3- Script that you have a good memory and/or really good research skills. I remind you that in the 50's people couldn't just google something they want to know, you either have to know it already, ask someone, or look it up yourself.

4- Script that you talk like everyone else does, I really don't think they'll understand any gen z humor or slang. There's a lot of 'gosh' and 'swell' and not a lot of 'skahsjka'

5- This one was an afterthought for me, but if you can't write in cursive script that you can. Everyone wrote in cursive back then. It would also be good to know how to type on a typewriter, especially if you're in school.

6- Script that your friends have cars or that you live really close to each other. It's no fun to have to get rides from your parents or walk a long way.

7- Script that you are good at sewing if you want to have a lot of nice clothes, back then it wasn't so normal to buy everything, people made a lot of their own stuff and options were more limited when buying clothes, plus making your own allows more creativity in the design and fabric. You could also just script that someone in your family is really good at sewing (I scripted that my mom makes a lot of my clothes)

8- This ones kind of a no brainer, but script that you never get sick or have a really strong immune system, medicine back then wasn't what it is now, especially in the early 50's when they were just coming out with the polio vaccine, you don't want anything to do with that.

9- Make sure to script some of the things you know you want to have with you. For example I was sure to script that I have a record player in my room with all my favorite records, and a video camera so I can take videos of my friends (thanks Great-Aunt Lucille who I invented so I could get expensive presents and visit California lol)

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