getting closer..

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The last time I updated I was still living at home and a lot has changed since then. I moved into a dorm, which makes shifting a lot more difficult, but I'm learning to work with it.

One night I watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, and I tried to shift after watching. I didn't spend too much time, I got restless quickly and decided to just affirm and go to sleep, but I heard a weird yell from the other side of the room, exactly like Voldemort in that movie. I sat up, thinking it was my roommate or something outside, but I can't think of what it could've been. It happened again, both times I sat up and my roommate didn't stir.

The second time I felt close was a few days ago. My roommate left for a bit, so I laid down on my bed and did a focus meditation, then played a subliminal while doing the Alice in Wonderland method. I imagined I was sitting against a tree by the black lake, looking out at Hogwarts. I wrote my parents a letter and sent my owl off with it. Some first year fell in the lake and I watched him and all his friends run back up to the school. I tried to focus entirely on this and just be present. Eventually Fred walked by and I called out to him, then he ran so I chased him. I chased him through the forest, across a creek, through a meadow, and then he fell down a hole and I jumped in after him. When I stopped at the bottom there was a big door, and Fred handed me the key. He asked if I was ready to go home and I said yes, so he unlocked the door and took me through. All I saw was bright light, then a room started to form around me. It was the hotel room I will wake up in in London, and in the bed was my DR self. I climbed into the bed and laid down, then started counting, focusing completely on the numbers and being present in the hotel room. As I got to about 90 my hands started tingling and my body felt like it was buzzing. I friend to stay focused and remain calm, and the sensation lasted longer than before, but eventually it stopped. I realized I was really hungry and opened my eyes, still in my CR, but I know I was close.

I've also seen a lot of angel numbers lately. I took the train home for the weekend and when I left it was 3:33, and when it stopped at the station before my town it was 4:44, then on Sunday when I visited my grandma I checked my phone at 3:33, and Monday when I took the train home I checked the time and it was 5:55.

I also made another script, I copied some of the most important things in it onto a small notebook to put under my pillow. When I was home I printed out some pictures from my pinterest board and tucked them in there, and I printed out a little picture of Fred's face and put it in a locket which I hold when I try to shift.

I know I'm almost there, it just hasn't been the right time yet, but every time I try to shift and don't I just think of it as me shifting to a reality in which I am closer to shifting to Hogwarts.

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