script template

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i recently made a script template for myself and decided to share it, i mainly use it to organize my script but it also has some basic things that you should have scripted. It is generic and can be used to script any desired reality, so here you go.



My name is ____________

I was born in ________________

When I enter my DR I will smell ______ and feel two taps on my forehead

My eyes will open automatically when I enter my DR

i will be able to distinguish my desired reality from my current reality with ease

i will be generally happy in my desired reality, although i will feel all the emotions a normal person experiences at the appropriate times

i will not die in my desired reality unless i reach an old age and have lived a long, fulfilling life in my desired reality, and i choose to welcome death

Nobody I am close to in my DR dies unless it is scripted

when i return to my cr i will not carry any mental or physical trauma experienced in my dr

if i do die in my desired reality i will be returned to my cr

my dr will pause when i leave and resume when i shift back

i will not feel pain as severely in my desired reality

i will not die or be badly injured in my desired reality, any pain i go through will be normal and not life altering/threatening

i will not be traumatized by battle and death

one year in my desired reality is one hour in my current reality

when i shift a clone will take my place and sleep unless i am supposed to be doing something else

my loved ones and i are safe in my dr

i can sleep in my dr without waking up in my cr

I will be slightly attached to my DR when I return to my CR, enough that I will be sad when I leave and miss the people, but I will not be devastated or cry a lot because of it. I know that I can go back whenever I want, and that leaving is not a goodbye, but a see you later.

i taste food normally


Include any details about your appearance and pictures if you have them


Script all the important aspects of your personality


Script how you do in school, what are your skills and talents, you can say you pass all your classes with ease or that you can read peoples minds


Here put all the people of importance in your DR, script any friends you want to have and their personalities, mannerisms, etc. Include pictures if you have them


Here script your relationships with these people, you can clump these sections together but I like to separate them.


If you have any specific clothing you can describe it or include pictures (I included pictures of the first gowns we wear in my selection Dr)


This is to help visualize where you are, include any special places (if at hogwarts maybe put your common room, the burrow, harris's hut, etc.)


This is where I add any details that don't fit in another category, mainly just little things (like how Arthur Weasley makes me reach him how to use a muggle phone)


Here put a timeline of events to help lay it out for you. This can be helpful if you're shifting somewhere with a storyline (like hogwarts) and want to get the dates of events clear, or it can help with a backstory so you have a better idea of when events in your life happened.


This is where I include my story, in the form of a book. I write from my pov and include little conversations and events I want to remember or experience. I also make sure to script the moment I am shifting to, the bed I'm sleeping in, what day it is, everything I can notice about my environment. This helps me visualize when I'm shifting.

One other thing I want to add is that pinterest boards admire great for visualization, I like to sit and add pins while listening to subs or a playlist. The other thing is that I find it super helpful to have a playlist of songs that remind me of my DR. For my hogwarts one I included all the songs from Harry Potter tiktok, as well as some songs from the movies and for my 50's DR I listen to music popular in the 50's and it definitely helps me with motivation and just feeling like I'm there.

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