my routine

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I may not be putting as much of an active effort into shifting these days, what with me taking 18 credits this quarter and all the other things that are going on in the world and my life, but I have been sticking to a bit of a routine when it comes to shifting.

I go about my day normally, I think about my DR plenty, they're always on the forefront of my mind. When I'm doing schoolwork at my desk I am constantly looking over at the old family photos I have hung up. Some days I write to them, but not so often anymore. I take my notes in cursive now, another way I can subtly connect to my DR without doing too much and while still being productive.

When school is finished for the day, or at least mostly finished, I sit on my bed and if I have a lot of time I might continue decorating my DR house in the sims. If it's dinner time I'll go and get dinner or make something myself. I sit on my bed like it's a couch facing the other side of the room while I eat and watch a show, Brooklyn 99 for a while, then the Office, now Downton Abbey. I just watch whatever until about 9 or 10, then I reposition myself to sit in my bed like it's a bed.

I put on my music. Sometimes it's my spotify playlist of songs that really hit hard, sometimes it's my favorite songs from Lady and the Tramp, my DR self's favorite movie (and maybe my CR self's favorite movie, I never know) or I might play my Peggy Ruth playlist, my favorite 50's hits, or the 1955 hits archive, since that's the year I'm shifting to. As I listen to whatever I choose I work on my script. I add to it when I feel inspired to, other times I just read over it and add little changes. If I add to it I write out a whole scene, then the next night when I repeat the whole process I read through that scene with fresh eyes, catching any errors or awkward sentences.

When I'm done with all that and feel I should go to sleep I usually just take out my airpods and go to sleep, no different. Sometimes I try to stay still in the hopes that I can induce lucid dreaming, other times I may keep in my airpods and play binaural beats, and other times I just go to sleep.

I usually wake up between 5 and 7 in the morning, and if I remember anything from my dreams I write it down. I do the same when I actually wake up, but lately it's just been bits and pieces. I think I've been moving around too much, I spent a week in my dorm bed, then one night in my home bed, then three nights on a foam pad on the floor of our cabin, then another at home, and now I'm back in my dorm for the foreseeable future, so hopefully I'll get back into the swing of things.

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