what is a soulmate?

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soul mate
/ˈsōl ˌmāt/
noun: soulmate
a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

I see a lot about soulmates in the shifting community, naturally soulmates play a big role in most people's desired realities. I mean, who hasn't scripted their soulmate?

Soulmates aren't the rarest thing in the world, you may have several soulmates in several realities, but from my perspective there's another kind of soulmate that's even more special- a soulmate that exists with you across countless realities. A person who is manifested slightly different, maybe they play different roles in your life, but they're always there somewhere.

For me it's my grandpa.

If you've been reading this you probably know that he's the reason why I'm shifting, I'm doing it all to be with him. I never met him in this reality, he died 12 years before I was born, and I've always felt this empty hole in my life where he should be. I never feel this way about my other grandpa who died when I was very little, or my other grandma who I hardly knew. I guess I always chalked it up to the fact that I'd never even gotten the chance to meet him, but now, when I feel closer to him than ever, I see it's more than that.

I think I first realized back in August. I did a past life regression meditation, if you haven't tried it before I recommend it, it was such a bizarre experience. Anyway, when I saw my past life I saw I was a little girl, probably in the early 1900's. It was Christmas, I wore a red dress, a white pinafore, and shiny shoes. I got a doll, I had a brother and he got a sled. But my father is the one that stood out to me. He was a big man with a bushy beard, but he was kind and gentle.

It was him.

Somehow I just know, I knew it then too. I just felt he was the same person as my Grandpa.

In this reality he's my grandpa, in that reality he was my father, and in the reality I'm shifting to he's my best friend in the world.

I know him so well, yet I've never met him. He's present in my life, no matter what reality I am in. That, to me, is the most powerful kind of soulmate.

I imagine if you think hard on it you might find someone in your life who is about the same, someone you just know you'll always have a special connection with. And if not, then just know that they are still there, regardless of whether you know it or not.

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