a new DR?

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So I'm the kind of person who is really obsessed with one thing for a while, then I move on to something else and this past week I've been really stressed (midterms on top of an election is not a good combo) and I kind of drifted away from Harry Potter. I (obviously) still love it and fully intend to shift to Hogwarts, but I've been feeling challenged trying to shift there. Most nights I don't feel anything and since I've gone so long with very little results it's been hard to really feel connected there. So a few days ago I made a change.

For about a week I've been writing scripts for other DR's I want to shift to because my Hogwarts script is finished and I decided to write one for the 50's. For inspiration I looked through some yearbooks from my high school in the 50's (specifically the years my grandpa went there) and came to the conclusion that that is where I want to shift to. I never got to meet my grandpa and I've always wished I could have, and he's my only grandparent who grew up in my hometown and went to the same high school as me so I've always felt a special connection through that. So, I scripted that he is my best friend (and like a brother to me) then I found a girl in the yearbook who was in a ton of activities that I want to be in so I scripted that she is my other best friend (Karren). Finally I found a guy who is very nice looking (if you catch my drift) and scripted that we are friends and he likes me (Jerry). I put pictures of all of them, pictures of my town and school in the 50's and wrote out some scenes to visualize.

The first two times I tried to shift there I felt nothing, as usual, but earlier today I tried again. I used the Estelle method at first, imagining me and Len (my grandpa in my CR) dancing to an Elvis song, then when it was over I visualized myself in my school. I walked up the stairs to the auditorium (I counted to 100) then went in, visualizing everything in depth. This was really easy for me because I've spent so much time in that auditorium doing theatre. I felt the squish of the floor as I walked down the aisle, the soft part between the back section of seats and the front section, then I walked around the front, right by the stage, and found the seat I always sit in for rehearsals and sat down. I felt the seat, heard it creak as I pushed it down, felt the scratched wood arms and the little metal plaque with the number 1 on it. I sat there waiting for Len to come in, and as I was waiting I started to hear really soft piano music. There is no piano music in the subs I was listening to so I was surprised, and when I tried to focus on the sound it got so soft I couldn't hear it. I focused my mind on something else, and it came back. I just knew it was Karren playing the piano so I visualized her playing the grand piano that always sits by the entrance. I was also hearing the piano music from that side (I was laying on my left side with my phone playing subs above my head on the pillow, but the sound was coming from my right which is where the piano is). I tried to focus on the room, looking at the curtain, the ceiling, the archways on the walls, and the door that Len would come through. After a little while I imagined Jerry coming in. He walked up to the front of the stage and jumped up. He decided he wanted to climb up to the loft and asked if I wanted to come and I said no so he went alone. I watched him climb up the ladder at the back of the stage and heard him clamoring around out of sight. He was still making a raucous up there when I realized I had to pee and after that there wasn't much hope of me shifting so I got up and went to the bathroom.

I decided to just relax for a while because my roommate would be back soon so I went on instagram and saw a video of someone making Billie Eilish out of clay and I was impressed so I went to their profile and watched all their videos. I was sitting in silence and was about halfway through when I started to hear that faint piano music again. My first thought was maybe it's coming from someone else's room so I put my ear to the walls, but nothing. It was really weird, I could hear it, but it didn't sound like it was here. I'm taking it as a sign I will shift soon. It's harder for me to imagine the people in this DR (because I only have black and white yearbook photos) but I feel a much stronger connection, especially at the thought of meeting my grandpa.

Good luck shifting, I know all of you reading this will shift soon. Don't ever give up!

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