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Colby's POV

It's been nine months.

Nine months since Violet left.

It's been hard, dealing with the heart break, but I couldn't be mad at her. I had to respect her wishes and let her go, no matter how much of hurt.

The first couple months were the worst. I had thousands of drafted texts to her, begging her to come back to me, but I couldn't send any of them.

If I loved her, I had to let her go.

Everything has been pretty much the same, other than that. Sam and I started a new series on our channel where we did bucket list things before we turned 25. It was really fun and took my mind off of things for the most part.

I was grateful for Sam because he would force me out of my comfort zone when all I wanted to do was lay in bed and feel sorry for myself.

"Hey, man. Did you want to research more 25x25 stuff?" Sam asked as he came into my room. "I can't, I'm going out with Lucy." I said and buttoned my shirt up. "Lucy?" He asked with shock on his face.

"Yes. Is there a problem with that?" I asked feeling a little defensive. "What about Violet?" He asked which sent a ripping pain through my heart. "What about her?" I asked and turned away so he couldn't see my face.

"Don't do that, man. You know you're in love with her still." He said as I sighed. "She told me not to wait for her. She doesn't even talk to me Sam, she's over me. I have to move on." I said with a deadpan expression as he sighed.

"That's not true." He said as I rolled my eyes. "What do you have against Lucy? She's nice." I said as he shrugged. "It's not so much what I have against Lucy it's the fact that I know you well enough to know that you're not over V." He said as I shook my head and grabbed my phone.

"Can we just drop this. I'll be home later. Then we can research for 25x25." I said then walked out of the room, not wanting to hear anything from him anymore.

Even though he was right.

I wasn't over Violet, and I didn't know if I ever would be. I knew it wasn't good to use Lucy as a distraction, but I needed just that.

A distraction.

Lucy and I weren't even technically dating. We just hung out, it wasn't that deep.

I went downstairs and to my car, not stopping to talk to anyone since I was now running late from the conversation I had with Sam.

I quickly sent her a text letting her know that I was going to be late then started driving. I put on a random playlist then opened the windows, letting the wind hit my skin.

I let my mind wonder off as I sat in LA traffic. I wondered if what I was doing was wrong. It felt like I was cheating on Violet even though I know that she broke up with me. My heart jerked in my chest at the memory of her telling me it was over.

She had told me to give her a couple months but it's been 9 months.

She wasn't coming back.

I shook my head then let out a breath, turning up my music. I didn't want to think about it right now. I just wanted to move on.

When I got to the restaurant I could see Lucy standing outside. Her long brown hair was tied up in a bun, and her makeup was done fully. I had to admit that she was a really beautiful girl.

"Colbs!" She said and opened her arms as I walked up. "Hey, how are you doing?" I asked and gave her a hug. "Good, you look handsome!" She said and patted my chest with her hand. "Thank you, thank you. You look good, too." I said then opened the door for her.

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