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We sat around for a while before Sam, Kat, and Justin got back.  Ki and Colby had been trying to cheer me up but I wasn't budging.

I just wanted to be sad right now.

"We're back!" Sam said as they all came over with bags of food. "Here's your fruit snacks." Kat said and tossed me the box. I smiled slightly at her then looked down.

"Did something happen?" Sam asked as I set the box of fruit snacks on the ground. "Violet lost her necklaces." Ki said as Kat gasped. "Oh no! Did you guys check everywhere?" She asked as I nodded. "They're gone." I said quietly then looked up.

"Maybe they'll turn up." Sam said as I nodded. "Yeah...maybe this is just grams trying to adventure in the afterlife." I said with a sigh. "She probably saw the river and wanted to join in on the fun. She must have brought mom with her." I said and twisted my ring.

"I'm so sorry, baby." Colby said then kissed my head. "Don't worry about it. Everything happens for a reason." I said then took his hand and squeezed it.

"We should take your mind off of it and go on an adventure." Sam said as Colby handed me a pack of fruit snacks.

"Isn't that what we've been doing?" Kat asked as he shook his head. "Yes, but I don't think we should film this part. We should live in the moment." Sam said as I nodded. "That sounds fun." I said then ate the fruit snacks.

"Let's do it then." Colby said as we all stood up. We went into our tents and got ready then set out on our journey to explore and take my mind off of the sadness that was making it's home in my chest.

I tried to enjoy the scenery around me since experiences were always going to be much more important than physical things.

I was gutted at the thought that I lost both of my necklaces, but I knew grams and mom would understand that I didn't do it on purpose.

They wouldn't have let me be upset over something that was so out of my control.

It still hurt that I lost them though.

"Look at this!" Sam exclaimed as we made it to the end of the path. "Woah." Colby said and took my hand, leading me to the edge of the cliff side. It was even more beautiful than any of the other views we had seen here.

We must have been at the peak of one of the mountains because the sky was endless. It felt like I could reach out and touch the birds that were flying above.

"Wow." I whispered in awe as we all looked at the view. I was really glad we weren't filming this because I didn't want to show the world this beautiful sight. I just wanted to be selfish and keep it for our eyes only.

After a couple minutes of looking, Ki and Kat asked Justin to take pictures of them for their Instagram. I watched them intently since I wasn't really into posting pictures like that.

"Hey guys! Look!" Colby called out as he and Sam posed on a rock that was hanging slightly out. Justin went to take a picture but as he was about to do it Sam lost his balance, tumbling to the side.

"Sam!" Colby yelled and tried to catch him but ended up falling off of the rock with him. "NO!" I screamed as we all ran over to the edge of the cliff.

When we looked down though we could see them laying on a ledge that was just below where we were standing. They were laughing and pointing up at us. "Got you!" Sam said as anger boiled within me.

"That wasn't fucking funny." I said then turned on my heal and started going in the direction of the campsite. "Vi! It was just a joke!" Colby called out as I kept walking.

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