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I felt my heart drop to my ass as I stared at the screen. My mind immediately went to Peter. Did he get out of prison already? Did he find me again?

I felt my chest cave in as I looked around the room, tracing each inch of every crevice of the room. I grabbed my phone and shakily dialed Colby's number.

"What are you doing, dork?" Colby asked with a laugh. "H-h-he." I stuttered as my body trembled. "Are you okay?" He asked with concern. "T-t-text." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

Colby didn't respond over the phone and instead came walking into the room. "Hey, what happened?" He asked and rushed over, holding my face in his hands. "Text." I whispered as I looked into his eyes. "What text? What happened, V? I'm gonna help you." He said and brushed my hair from my face.

I shook my head then pulled my phone out and handed it to him, showing him the text.

"I know what you're thinking and it's not possible." He said as I shook my head. "I don't know who it is." I whispered as he got in the bed with me. "Shhhh, it could be anyone." He said and pulled me into his chest.

We laid there for a while so I could calm down. Colby ran his fingers through my hair gently as the paranoia boiled up in me causing me to look up at him.

"C-can you check to make sure nobody is watching?" I asked then looked at the window. "Yeah, come with me though." He whispered then kissed my head. I nodded then leaned away so he could get up. "I'm sorry I'm like this." I said and stood up as he took my hand.

"It's not your fault, V." He said quietly as we slowly made our way downstairs. "Do you think it was him who texted me?" I asked as we walked around the house, making sure nobody was here. "No, I think it might be one of your coworkers...maybe Jarrod?" He asked as I nodded.

"That would make sense, but I have his number saved." I said as he frowned. "Hmm.. may-" he started as my phone started to ring.

"It's Beatrice." I said we walked outside. My heart was pounding in my chest because I knew exactly what this meant.

"Daisy's out of prison isn't she?" I answered as Colby stopped to look at me. "How'd you know?" She asked as my heart dropped. "I think she texted me." I mumbled chasing her to gasp slightly.

"What did she say?" Beatrice asked quietly. "She just asked if I missed her. Is she with you?" I asked and started chewing on my nails nervously.

"No, she's on her way here...I'm scared she's going to pay you a visit first though." She admitted as I shook my head. "I'm not in LA right now." I said and combed my fingers through my hair as Colby rubbed my back.

"That's good. I'm sorry I didn't let you know before. She was let out of her sentence because of good behavior. Her flight here is tomorrow, so I'm gonna keep an eye out on her while she does her community service classes. I think she's learned, Violet." She explained as I shook my head.

"What if she didn't though...and she's just..out there." I mumbled and closed my eyes, feeling my stomach churning. I was extremely worried about her being out in the world again, but maybe this was a good thing.

Maybe we could finally get some closure on our friendship.

"I promise I'm going to watch her. I'll make sure she stays here and stays away from you." Beatrice said as I nodded. "I believe you...I'm not worried." I said even though I didn't fully believe it.

I was extremely worried.

"Just take care of yourself, Violet. It's all gonna be okay." Beatrice said as I nodded. "Okay. Thanks for letting me know." I said and brushed my hair behind my ear.

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