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"There's too many options." I huffed out as we looked at the hot chocolate options. "What about this one?" Colby asked and grabbed one of the boxes. "That works...we need whipped cream though." I said with a giggle then took his hand.

"Can we get cookie dough too?" I asked as he chuckled. "That sounds so good." He said then led the way to the refrigerator section of the grocery store. "What movie are we gonna watch?" I asked and swung our hands dramatically.

"Hmm well I don't know if this tv has Netflix or anything so we might have to rent something." Colby said as I grabbed a can of whipped cream. "Okay, I'm gonna let you pick the movie though." I said and squeezed his hand as we went to get the cookie dough.

"Ooo the pressure is on." He said as we walked towards the registers. We decided to grab some white claws in case we got snowed in.

We checked out then got back in the car as the snow started coming down harder. "Do you want me to drive?" I asked. "No, I got it." Colby said then buckled up and started driving.

Colby was very careful as he drove, making sure to take his time. I was actually so nervous because it had been a while since the roads were really slick.

When we pulled into the driveway Colby let out a shaky breath then looked over at me. "You did good, babe." I said with a smile as I grabbed the groceries and opened the car door.

I took a couple steps before I slipped on a patch of ice, sending me to the ground. "Ah!" I screamed as the white claw container opened, causing the cans to roll everywhere.

"Are you okay?!" Colby asked as he rushed over to me. I shook my head then pointed to a couple of the cans that were rolling down the driveway. "Save the cans!" I screamed as he turned quickly towards the end of the driveway where they were rolling.

He quickly grabbed the cans then turned to me as I tried to get up. "Let me help you, babe." Colby said then held his hand out to me. I took it then started to get up. As I pulled myself up I accidentally pulled Colby down causing him to slip and fall on top of me.

"Oof- sorry, V." He said and put his hands on the ground and pulled up so he could look at me. Instead of responding I just started laughing, feeling like we were in a movie once again. Colby started laughing with me then brushed my hair from my face as I leaned my head back onto the ground.

"I'm sorry for being such a clutz." I said as he carefully got off of me so we could go inside. "I think it's funny that you were more concerned with the alcohol than yourself." Colby said then then helped me up.

"Alcohol is life." I said then crouched down and started collecting the cans of white claw. Once they were all collected we made our way inside.

"How's your ass?" Colby asked causing me to laugh. "I don't know, what do you think?" I asked and turned, rubbing my hand along my ass which was now wet from falling in the snow.

"I think it looks good." He said then smacked it causing me laugh. "Take it all in because I'm about to get changed." I said then set the groceries on the counter.

"Hmm..." Colby said then lunged towards me, picking me up. "Stop!" I squealed as he started walking towards the bedroom. "What are you doing?" I asked as he kicked the door open. "I'm gonna help you get changed." He said lowly then tossed me onto the bed.

An hour later we were finally getting dressed in our comfortable clothes and making our way to the kitchen.

"You light a fire and pick a movie, I'll make the cookies." I said and clapped my hands together. "Okay." He said then kissed my cheek and walked to the living room.

I preheated the oven then grabbed the milk from the fridge and started heating it up on the stove. I could hear the wind whistling outside meaning the storm was starting to really roll in.

I looked out the window as I portioned the cookie dough on the cookie sheet. I felt my heart warm up that this was my life. I still couldn't believe that Colby would surprise me with a trip to Alaska for Christmas.

I always used to dream of being in a relationship like this, but never truly thought it would happen to me.

I was so fucking lucky.

I finished making the hot chocolates and baked the cookies off then made my way to the living room.

"What movie did you pick?" I asked as I put the cookies on the table in front of him. "How the grinch stole Christmas." He said and took one of the hot chocolates from me. "Oh! I love that one." I said then sat down and pulled my legs onto the couch so I could snuggle into Colby.

He pulled me into him then fluffed the blanket so I would fall onto our laps. "This is nice." I said quietly as he started the movie.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy." Colby said quietly as we sipped on our hot chocolate. "Me either." I said then rested my head on his chest.

We got about halfway through the movie before the power went out from the snow storm. "Shit." I whispered and looked around as Colby sat up. "Let me add more wood to the fire." He said as I nodded and pulled away from him.

When he stood up he grabbed another blanket and draped it over my shoulders then went to add wood to the fire.

"Should we sleep out here?" I asked as he came back over. "We can...or we can warm eachother up in a different way." He said causing me to laugh. "Calm down, horny." I said then cuddled into him again. "I'll never not be horny for you." He said rolled my eyes playfully.

"What's something that you want to do while we're here? I don't want this trip to just be about me." I said quietly and looked up at him. "We did what I wanted to do today." He said with a small laugh.

"I guess, but what else do you want to do?" I asked. "Hmm...maybe we can go into town and get a couple of Christmas gifts for eachother." He said as I gasped and sat up. "That's a great idea! Look at you, mister smarty pants." I said then pinched his cheek.

"We can do that then go see the lights tomorrow. Oh, I'm so excited to see the lights, you have no idea." I said as he laughed. "I have a pretty good idea, babe." He teased then ruffled my hair.

"Tell me why though..like there's gotta be a reason that you want to see them so much." Colby said quietly.

"Oh! Uh..I guess I have just always loved star gazing. I know that the northern lights aren't stars but they are easily the most beautiful thing this planet has to offer." I said and aimlessly twisted Colby's Cartier ring.

"It's a once in a lifetime kind of thing." I said as he kissed my head. "You're gonna see them." He said quietly as I nodded. "Thanks to you." I said with a small smile.

"I love you, V." Colby said as I nodded. "I love you more." I said then looked up so I could kiss him.

We stayed up for a little while longer before we put the fire out and cuddled with eachother.

It was reallt cold since the power was out in the cabin but it was still a perfect night. 

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