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"Rise and shine!" Colby said and jumped on the bed. "No." I grumbled then pulled the covers over my head. "We have a busy day! Come on, baby." He said then leaned down and peppered my face with kisses.

"Five more minute." I mumbled and pushed him off. "Okay, I'm gonna shower then you have to get up, how about that?" He asked as I cracked my eyes open and flipped him off. "Wowwwww." He said causing me to laugh and turn away from him.

"Go shower, stinky." I said then pulled the covers over my head again. I heard him chuckle as he made his way to the bathroom. I was genuinely surprised he was up since once again, he wasn't a morning person.

I could hear the shower going as I rubbed my eyes. I knew I needed to get up but I was just so warm and comfortable.

I laid there for a few minutes before my phone started ringing. "Ughh." I groaned and reached over to grab it. "Hello?" I mumbled into the phone. "Well don't you sound like a ball of sunshine." Ki said as I breathed a laugh.

"I'm not a morning person, you know this." I said then got up and stretched. "It's barely the morning, V." Ki teased as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. How are you?" I asked and went to pick out my outfit for the day.

"I always forget how crazy my family is." She said with a laugh as I got changed. "Good crazy or bad crazy?" I asked and started braiding my hair. "BAD. They're insane. I'm so glad Stella is here to keep me sane." She said as Colby came into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Me too, I kinda want you to come back to LA in one piece." I said as I traced Colby's body with my eyes as he grinned. "Yeah. Anyways, have you seen the lights yet?" Ki asked as Colby came over and kissed my cheek before turning to his suitcase.

"Not yet, it was too cloudy the first night and last night there was a snow storm." I said then grabbed my face wash and makeup bag and went into the bathroom.

"Well, third times the charm I guess." Ki said with a laugh as I put the phone on speaker so I could get ready. "That's what I'm hoping. I have to get ready now though since we are going into town to get some Christmas gifts." I said then started washing my face.

"Okay, babes. I miss you." She said as I smiled. "Miss you too, love. I'll send you pictures of the lights when we see them." I said then rinsed my face. "Okay, have fun! Bye!" Ki said then hung up.

I finished getting ready for the day then went back into the bedroom. "Ready to go?" Colby asked as he laced his shoes. "Yep!" I said then put my hat on. "Let's go then." He said then took my hand and led the way.

When we got into town we stopped for some food then made our way to one of the little shops. "I think we should separate." I said and shifted through the clothes on the rack in front of me.

"You're breaking up with me?" Colby asked as I laughed and shook my head. "No, dork. I just don't want you to see what I'm gonna get." I said and scrunched my nose at him.

"Oh, that's fair. Okay...I'm gonna be in the shops on the other side of town then we can meet up for dinner." Colby said and pulled his phone out, checking the time.

"Then we can see the lights?" I said as he grinned. "Then we can see the lights." He said quietly then kissed me. "I'll see you later." I said as he nodded. "Call me if you need me." He said then turned to leave the shop. "Okay, love you." I said as he turned and winked. "Love you more." He said then left the shop.

As soon as he was gone I walked around, trying to figure out what I was going to get him. I already had a couple of things at home that I knew he would like.

I had gotten him a new laptop since his was falling apart from how much soda he has spilled on it. I got him a kingdom hearts necklace since it was his favorite video game. I also got him a couple of things from his Amazon wish list but that wasn't all that special.

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