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"Baby, wake up." Colby said as he shook my shoulder. "Why the fuck are you waking me up right now?" I groaned and turned my back to him, putting my pillow over my head.

"We have to go to class." He said as I rolled my eyes. "What the fuck? We don't go to school you dumbass, let me sleep." I grumbled as he laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me out of bed and into his arms.

"Noooo." I groaned as he kissed my cheek. "Up and at em." He said as I rolled my eyes. "Why?" I groaned and looked at the clock.


"We have to go to wilderness survival school." He said as I chuckled. "I'm sorry but that's ridiculous. Weren't you a boyscout? Can't you lead us to success so I can sleep?" I asked as he shook his head.

"Sorry babe. Flattering that you think I could keep us all alive though." He said then turned me towards the closet. "Are we filming this?" I asked as I went to pick out an outfit.

"Yeah, so don't wear my clothes." He said as I sighed. "Do I have time to put my face on?" I asked and turned to him. "No, but you're beautiful without makeup." Colby said quietly then leaned in to kiss me.

"Morning breath." I reminded as he shook his head. "Don't care." He said then kissed me. I grinned against his lips and put my hand on his cheek for a second before pulling away.

"When do we leave?" I asked and pulled out a sweater and pair of jeans. "Seven thirty." He said as I groaned. "Colby! That's not enough time!" I groaned then turned to run into the bathroom.

"I just wanted to let you sleep." He said with a grin as he followed me. "I appreciate that but we all can't wake up looking perfect like you." I said then quickly started washing my face.

"You're right, you look better." He said as I laughed. "Get out mushball." I said and pointed towards the door. "Okay, just meet us at the car. Don't overthink it, you're gorgeous." He said then smacked my ass and left the room.

I chuckled then shook my head and finished washing my face. I quickly threw on some basic makeup and straightened my hair.

Once I was fully ready I grabbed my bag then went out to the car where everyone was.

"Well look who it is!" Sam said as I narrowed my eyes at him. "You couldn't have mentioned this class before this morning?" I asked as Sam shrugged. "I told Colby to tell you." He said then opened the passengers seat of Colby's car so he could get in.

"I knew you wouldn't want to go." He said then opened the back door so I could get in. "You annoy me." I said with a laugh then slid in next to Kat and Ki.

"I hate them too." Ki said as I laughed. "Dude, we're right here." Sam said with a laugh as she shrugged. "Right, sorry. I hate you guys." She said causing Kat and I to stifle laughs.

When we got to the place we got out of the car and made our way inside.

"Justin!" Colby called out as a tall brunette turned around. "Sup, man!" He exclaimed then gave both Sam and Colby bro hugs.

"Justin, you know Kat, but this is Violet and Ki." Sam said and gestured to all of us. "Nice to meet you." I said and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you." He said with a smile.

"Justin is out videographer, he's gonna be with us for the trip." Colby explained as he put his hand on the small of my back. "How good at wilderness stuff are you?" I asked as he laughed. "I've survived every trip with these guys so far." He said with a shrug as someone walked out of the room to our left.

"Is this everyone?" The blonde guy asked Justin. "Yep, this is everyone." He said with a nod. "Perfect! Come on in guys, we're gonna have some fun." The blonde guy said and stepped out of the way of the door so we could walk into the room.

We all sat at a round table that had booklets on them. I made sure that I sat between Kat and Ki so that nobody could say anything about Colby and I.

"Welcome back to school, guys. I'm Chris and I'm gonna be giving you a couple wilderness survival tips so that you have a safe trip to Montana." Chris said as I opened the little workbook in front of me.

The guys started filming some stuff but I wasn't paying attention to them. Instead, I read the book in front of me.

I was reading into how to defend yourself against the different types of animals we would possibly come into contact with. It scared me a little bit knowing that we were gonna be out there alone, with no professionals with us.

There was just a lot of room for failure.

"Pssst. Overachiever!" Ki said and nudged me, bringing me back to reality. "Sorry, what?" I asked as Sam, Colby, and Justin sat back down. "You're just so funny." She said as I shrugged. "I'm just curious." I said then looked up at Chris.

"Alright! Let's get into it." He said and clapped his hands together.

We spent the next couple hours going through different scenarios of what could happen and how we could fix it.

"Alright, now the boring part is over, let's have some fun." Chris said the closed the book in front of him. "We're gonna go outside and make some fire." He said as Ki giggled.

"That's a bad idea." I said and nudged her as she gasped. "I think this is going to be a great idea." She said as we made our way outside.

"Have any of you ever done this before?" Chris asked as he led us to the fire pit. "Colby was a boyscout." Sam said as Chris chuckled. "Well, that's a good thing!" He said then gestured to the dirt in front of him.

"Show us what you got." He said as Colby nodded and rubbed his hands together as he walked to the fire pit.

"Wooo go Colby!" Kat cheered as he started to build a fire from scratch. I just watched him trying to not let the admiration show in my eyes since Justin was filming.

I was always just so impressed by him. No matter what life throws at him he's always so willing to take it. I knew he had anxiety but he handled it so much grace I almost forgot he had it.

I was forever proud of him.

We spent the rest of the morning doing other tests and tasks to prepare us for our trip tomorrow. By the time we were done I was feeling a lot better about everything.

"That was fun!" Kat said as we all got in the car. "I'm a little nervous still, but I think we're gonna be fine." Sam said as Colby drove us home.

"Have we looked at the weather?" I asked as Sam chuckled. "Yeah, it's gonna be freezing." He said as Ki groaned. "Why couldn't we go camping in Hawaii or something?" She asked as Colby hummed.

"I mean, we could..." He said as Sam shook his head. "No. Violet would kill us I think if we changed another thing about this trip." He said as I nodded. "You are correct." I said with a laugh.

When we got home we all went to pack so we would be ready to leave tomorrow.

"Babe!!" I called out as I pulled my bag out. "What's up?" Colby asked as he jogged into the room. "Do you have merch for me to wear? I'm gonna be freezing." I said as he grinned. "Yeah, all of us will be wearing merch. I'll bring yours down in a second." He explained as I nodded.

"You okay?" He asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I'm a little nervous but more excited. It's just been a while since I've been on an adventure." I said as he grinned and kissed my cheek. "It's gonna be really fun, I'm gonna be right here with you no matter what." He said as I nodded.

"Plus, you have a couple angels up there looking out for you." He said as I nodded and smiled slightly. "I hope they're proud of me." I whispered as he nodded and brushed my hair behind my ear.

"I know they are. I'm proud of you too, I always will be." He said then kissed me. I smiled against his lips for a second then pulled away.

"Okay, I have to pack." I said as he smirked. "Me too." He said with a grin. "Will you sleep in here with me tonight?" I asked as he nodded. "Of course." He said then kissed me one more time then left the room.

I loved how easily we clicked again after being away from eachother for so long. I was so glad that I came back to him.

I was so glad that he took me back.

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