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I didn't know how many days had passed since I've been here. It felt like an eternity but it realistically was probably more like 4 days.

The room I was in didn't have any windows so I never knew what time it was. I wasn't allowed to get up or move from the spot I was sitting in so I was constantly in pain.

I had started to accept that I was probably going to die here. I didn't see how I could be gone for as long as it felt like I was gone.

Maybe they stopped looking, ruling me out as dead.

I cried for hours on end, feeling like the world was caving in around me. Peter would come in and feed me and sweet talk me as if we were a couple which would make me feel sick to my stomach.

How could someone think this was okay? How could he think that keeping me against my Will would make me fall in love with him.

I was stronger than to get Stockholm syndrome.

I would stare at the picture of Colby and I in the hot tub that Peter had taken. I would stare at it all day, praying that I would get to see him just one more time before I died. 

I wanted to just tell him that I loved him and that I never gave into Peter's pleads.

"Honey, I'm here with supper." Peter said as I shook my head, keeping my eyes on the picture of Colby and I. "You have to eat. The ceremony is tomorrow." He said with a wicked grin.

"What ceremony?" I asked keeping my voice monotone. "You'll see my little flower." He said then started to feed me. I kept my jaw locked as he brought the forkful of pasta to my lips.

"Open!" He yelled and grabbed my jaw forcing it open with so much force I could already feel the bruises forming in the shape of his fingers.

I started to cry as I chewed the tasteless noodles. "Aw, don't cry Violet." He said as I turned my face from him. "Don't talk to me." I said quietly as he frowned. "I thought we were having fun." He said as my jaw clenched.

"What part of this is fun?! You're fucked in the head!" I yelled as he laughed. "No sweetheart. You're just not used to being loved." He said as I shook my head.

"You don't know anything about love." I said as he smiled and brushed my hair behind my ear. "I know that I love you." He said as I shook my head.

"You don't love me. You don't know anything about me. Like when's my birthday? What's my favorite color? How do I like my steak cooked?" I asked as he grinned.

"June 10th, purple, and medium." He said as I rolled my eyes. "Right. I forgot you were a stalker...you don't know everything though. What's my favorite childhood memory?" I asked as he shook his head.

"You never told me that so how would I know?" He asked as I breathed a laugh. "Because I've told Colby." I said as his gaze hardened.

"Don't say his name." He said as I breathed a laugh. "Who's? Colby's?" I asked as he flinched. "Colby's gonna find me." I taunted as his fist balled up. "Stop it." He said as I shook my head. "No. I love Colby." I said as he wound back and punched me as hard as he could.

I wimpered at the pain but then looked at him. "That's how I know you don't love me." I said then turned away from him again.

My face was throbbing as he turned and left the room without another word. I didn't care if I pissed him off or if I made him upset he deserved it after all the shit he was pulling.

I knew I needed to get out here though because I didn't know how much longer I could fight.

I had to get out.

I started brainstorming, trying to find my escape. It was difficult to determine how to do this since I would never know what time it was. I also had no idea where exactly I was. I didn't even know if I was even in LA at this point.

It didn't matter though.

I waited a few hours before I started to get to work. The first step was getting my hands out of these cuffs. I started sucking on my lips so I could collect as much saliva as possible then spat on my hands until they were slick enough to try and squeeze them through the cuffs that were locking me in.

I struggled for a little while but ended up slipping one of my hands out. "Yes." I whispered then started working on getting my other hand out.

Just as I was about to do it the door opened, causing me to throw my hands behind my back. "I'm going to sleep, my darling. Get a lot of rest. Tomorrow is a big day." He said then gave me a sloppy kiss on the cheek as I flinched away.

I watched as he left the room, making sure to keep my hands behind my back. As soon as he was gone I let out a breath, then waited.

I waited for what I thought was hours until I got to work on setting my other hand free.

Once I was able to slip my other hand out I quietly got off of the moldy mattress I was trapped on. My entire body ached as I stretched my legs out, staying as silent as possible.

I didn't know what I was doing but I knew that I had to be quick. I quietly went to open the door, then made my way into the grungy house. It looked like Peter hadn't cleaned at all for ten years. There were bugs and rats running around.

Piles of garbage riddled every inch of the floor and the paint was peeling off of the wall and the floors were moldy making me want to throw up.

I looked around trying to find the door to the outside world, but was afraid to move too fast. Every move I made was crucial.

As I walked I made sure to keep my ears open in case Peter heard me. I walked through the dingy house until I found the front door.

"You can do this." I whispered then grabbed the door handle, then slowly opened it. As I did the door creaked loudly causing me to suck in a breath. I heard movement from the other room which made my heart race.

I had to run.

I yanked the door open then started to run into the woods that were in front of the house. "HEY!" Peter yelled as I ran as fast as my legs would go. "GET BACK HERE!" Peter screamed as I shrieked and ran faster.

It wasn't long before he caught up to me, tackling me to the ground. "Please let me go." I begged as he held my head to the ground, pinning my arms behind my back.

"You're never leaving me. We're in love!" He yelled as I sobbed. "I hate you! Please just let me go." I said as he wrapped his hand around my throat, choking me. "Shhhh. You're going to sleep." He said as I struggled underneath him. I wasn't going to give up without a fight though.

"No!" I groaned then kicked him as hard as I could causing him to let go for a second. I crawled away, trying desperately to stand up so I could run again but he pulled me back by my hair and started hitting me.

"Stop fucking running!" He yelled as he hit me, bringing his free hand to my neck again.

I sobbed and fought against him for as long as I could before I started to black out from the lack of air.

As I passed out I thought about how much I wanted Colby and how badly I wanted to tell him I loved him.

I didn't know if I would ever wake up again since I had angered someone that was so unhinged. He would kill me in a heartbeat.

"P-p-" I choked out as my struggles died down. "Shut up!" He yelled as the world caved in around me. I was so mad at myself for getting caught. I was so upset that any ounce of freedom I had was ripped away because of a creeky door.

I just wanted to go home.

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