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We spent the next couple hours riding rides and going around the park. I had to admit that talking to Colby did make everything just a little bit better.

"I'm hungry." Kat said as we walked towards another ride. "We can eat after this ride." Sam said as Ki linked her arm through mine. "How are you feeling?" She asked as I shrugged. "I feel fine. We're just friends." I said and looked over at Colby.

He was goofing off with Corey which made my heart happy. I loved getting to just watch him be happy, even if I wasn't the reason for it.

"Okay, let me know if anything changes." Ki said as I nodded.

We went on a couple more rides as we made our way to the restaurant that was in the park. I think I was finally getting used to having everyone around again but my heart ached knowing they would be leaving me soon.

"When do you guys go back to LA?" I asked quietly as we sat down at the table. "Tomorrow morning." Sam said sadly as I nodded. "I really appreciate you guys coming. You have no idea how much it means to me." I said as Ki put her hand on mine.

"We're glad we could be here for you." Kat said as I looked down in my lap. "Have you thought about coming back to LA?" Jake asked as I shrugged. "I don't think I'm ready to come back just yet." I said and looked up. I didn't realize Colby was sitting across from me until I was met with his sad eyes.

"I'll be okay though. I'm gonna go back to work and just try to find some normalcy again." I said and gave them all a reassuring smile.

I was upset that they were leaving but I couldn't possibly expect them to pause their lives to be with me. I would just have to find my new normal again.

I would be okay.

We enjoyed dinner together then went back into the park. The sun was setting as we walked to the next ride, I didn't even realize I was zoned out until someone nudged me with their arm.

"V." Colby said as I shook my head. "Sorry, what's up?" I asked as I crossed my arms, hugging myself. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay? You know you can come back to LA with us." He said as we got in line for another ride.

"I'm sure. I just don't know if I really belong there right now." I said as he let out a breath. "What do you mean?" He asked as I chewed my lip.

I wanted to tell him that I couldn't be in LA without being with him but I didn't want to make anything awkward. We were just starting to get comfortable with eachother again, I wasn't going to fuck it up.

"I just don't think I'm ready for the busyness that is LA right now." I said as he nodded. "It's not because of me?" He asked as I sighed. "Not you." I said as his phone started ringing. "Her." I mumbled then walked away.

"What's up girlie?" Ki asked as I walked over to the girls. "Nothing, I'm getting a little tired." I said as Kat draped her arm around my shoulders. "Me too. Maybe this should be our last ride." Tara said as Jake came over and wrapped his arms around her waist.

I felt my heart twitch at the affection. I didn't realize how much I missed it until now.

I had to get over it.

Once we finished the ride we were in line for, we decided it was time to head back to my hometown.

"Will I see you guys before you leave?" I asked as we walked to our cars. "Of course, we'll stop by the house and pick up Ki." Sam said as I nodded. "Okay good." I said then sighed.

"Drive safe. I'll see you in the morning." I said then hugged all of them. "Love you, V." Devyn said with a smile. "Love you too." I said then got in the car.

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