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I ended up staying the night with Colby but actually slept this time since Colby refused to sleep until I did.

Colby's parents came early this morning so we could get him back to the house safely.

"Ready to go home?" I asked and took Colby's hands as he carefully swung his legs over the edge of the bed. His face scrunched with pain as he grunted slightly. "Shh, okay breath." I said and held his face in my hands.

He closed his eyes then breathed out a shaky breath. "You're okay." I whispered as he opened his eyes again. He smiled slightly at me as I rubbed his knuckles with my thumbs. "The car is ready when you are." Colby's mom said as she came in with a wheelchair.

"Ready?" I asked as he nodded slightly then tightened his grip on my hands. His mom and I helped him get into the chair. "You okay?" I asked as he tightened his grip on my hands again even though he was seated in the chair.

"It hurts." He groaned as I sighed and crouched down to be eye level with him. "You're gonna get through this." I said then leaned forwards and kissed his cheek. "Once we get home and you can get comfortable in bed, I'm sure you'll be feeling better." Colby's mom said as I stood up straight and turned to grab our stuff.

"Yeah yeah." Colby grumbled as we made our way to the elevator. I had a feeling that Colby was going to have a hard time with this in the same sense that I would. It was going to be hard to get him to slow down.

When we got back to the house Colby's dad and Sam helped him get up the stairs. "I'm gonna make him some food, did you want to help?" I asked Colby's mom as she smiled. "You're feeling good enough to cook? I don't want you to pass out on me." She said as I chuckled.

"I'm feeling better after those fluids and the medicine." I said then walked towards the kitchen. I grabbed my cookbook and went through the recipes I wanted to make as Colby's mom followed me.

"Wow so you really know how to cook." Colby's mom said with a laugh. "Yeah, my dad and I used to cook all the time. Now I'm just the chef for the house." I said with a laugh then went to get the stuff to make stew.

"Do your parents live out here?" Colby's mom asked as I sighed. "My parents died when I was sixteen." I said as she gasped. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She said as I shook my head. "It's okay, it was a long time ago." I said then started cutting the veggies.

"That doesn't make it any easier." She said and came over to help. "No, but I have a pretty good support system around me." I said with a smile. "You raised a good son." I said with a grin as she laughed.

"He's a good kid, that's for sure." She said as I nodded. "Enough about him though, I want to get to know you." She said as I smiled.

"Well, what would you like to know?" I asked with a smiled as I cut the meat up. "Do you have a job? Any hobbies? Anything?" She asked as I giggled.

"Well, I'm kind of out of a job right now but I'm an echocardiologist..I love cooking and writing and my grandma recently taught me how to knit." I explained with a fond smile.

"Oh so you're in the medical field?" She asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I went to school in Colorado, then got a job there." I said and continued cooking. "What made you move out to LA?" She asked as Colby's dad came into the room.

"Well it's kind of a long story but I basically had a huge falling out with a friend of mine so Colby suggested I move out here. I took the leap and stayed here for a little while before moving back to my hometown in Ohio." I explained.

"What brought you back there?" She asked as Colby's dad listened as well. "My grandma suffered from dementia so I went back to take care of her. She passed away about a month ago." I said as Colby's mom put her hand over her heart.

"Oh sweetheart...do you have any other family?" She asked as I shook my head. "Not by blood, but I've made a pretty good family here in LA." I said with a smiled as she opened her arms and hugged me.

"Now you're part of our family. Don't hesitate to reach out to us. We'll always be here for you." She said as I teared up. "Thank you." I whispered then pulled away.

We spent the next hour or so cooking dinner while getting to know eachother while Colby rested. I was so happy that I got to have this time to her to know Colby's parents. They were so sweet and very open with who they were which I appreciated.

"I guess we should bring some food up to the boy, huh?" Colby's mom said as I portioned out the food. "Yeah, I guess he deserves it." I said with a laugh then grabbed two bowls of stew and started for the stairs.

When we walked into the room Colby was awake and reading his poetry book. "We bring food!" I said and handed him a bowl of stew. "V, this looks so good." He said as I smiled and sat on the bed next to him.

"Your mom helped, she's a really good cook." I said and smiled at her. "I see you two are getting along." He said as Colby's parents sat down on the couch and started eating.

"Yeah, I might go back to Kansas with them, who knows." I teased as he scrunched his nose at me. "What happened to my own personal nurse?" He asked as I shrugged. "I'm sure Sam will do it for you." I said and stuck my tongue at him.

We sat and ate dinner together as Colby's parents continued asking me questions. I felt my heart swell at the idea that they wanted to get to know me. I knew they were going to be amazing people simply because of how Colby was but I was still so surprised at how welcoming they were.

"Well. This has been great but I think your father and I are going to take advantage of the hot tub out back." Colby's mom said as she stood up. "Okay, have fun." Colby said with a smile.

"You can just leave your bowls in the kitchen, I'll clean up later." I said and set my dirty bowl on the nightstand.

Once then left the room I looked at Colby only to see him smiling at me. "What?" I asked as he lifted his arm so I could crawl into his embrace. "I'm happy that you and my parents are getting along." He said as I smiled and kissed his jawline.

"I really like them." I said and traced the tattoo on his chest. "Did you want to come with me when I go to visit for Thanksgiving?" He asked as my heart stopped. I knew that Colby and I were dating and I knew that I had already met his parents and liked them but was I ready for that?

"Oh! Uh..." I said as he slowly rubbed my side. "You don't have to, V. There's no pressure." He said as I shook my head. "No. I want to go." I said then kissed him.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as I laid my head on his chest. "I'm feeling okay. I'm scared my broken nose is gonna make me ugly." I said with a laugh as he kissed my head. "You're beautiful, and you always will be." He said quietly.

"Whatever you say." I said with a laugh then took his hand. "How about you? How are you feeling?" I asked as he chuckled.

"I want to rip my spine out of my body, I feel like that would be less painful." He said as I frowned. "I wish I could help." I said as he sighed. "You being here is helping me enough." He said then kissed my head again.

We laid together for a while before I decided it was time for Colby to get some rest.

"Will you stay here tonight?" Colby asked as I got out of the bed and grabbed our dirty dishes. "Yeah, let me just go clean up the kitchen." I said then left the room.

When I got downstairs the kitchen was already clean which made me laugh. "Stubborn ass parents for a stubborn ass boy." I said with a laugh then washed Colby and I's dishes.I grabbed us both some water then went back upstairs.

When I got upstairs I crawled into bed then kissed Colby's cheek. "Sleep well, I love you." I said then got comfortable. "I love you too, V." He said then settled in.

As I drifted off I thought about how lucky I was to have Colby and now his parents in my life.

I was just so glad he was home.

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