L$D- ASAP Rocky (pt.2)

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I'm sure after not having molly for 2 days, your body goes through withdraws. I would usually never know, or have to experience that, but damn Claudia has been up my ass lately.

"Yeah, don't forget it's Jessie's birthday and we are throwing her birthday party tonight downtown," Claudia tells me.

I was currently taking a shower, and she was sitting on the sink counter, holding a cup of coffee for me. I've been super sick from not taking anything for so long.

She knew the withdraws would start to come, and was willing to help me with them. Sometimes I have to pretend I'm actually doing what she wants me to do.

"You mean the party you designed and just slapped both of our names on?" I joke.

She scoffs, taking a sip of my coffee, "Come on! You helped pick out the theme. Glow in the dark? Badass."

I do recall talking about it, but I was so fucked that night it seems kinda hazy.

I turn the water off, grabbing my towel and start drying off, "I have to go to Ausy's. But I'll be there for the party. Promise."

She frowns, "Why are you going to Posts?"

I roll my eyes, "You want me to get rid of the drugs, right Claudia? How am I going to do that if you question me going to my customers houses?"

I knew I was being bitchy, but I couldn't help it. I felt like shit, and I knew I could at least grab a hit once Ausy buys some from me.

She comes up behind me and rubs my back as I brushed my teeth, "I understand Saph, sorry."

She ends up leaving me to get ready. One of her newer managers was coming over for a meeting or something.

AUSY: percs and coke

SAPH: i got you. got a party tonight, going to sell out.

I would be dumb not to sell at the party tonight. A bunch of stars, especially wanna be's are going to try and make an impression. What better way to do it than not remembering shit the next day?

"Alright, I'll be there later," I tell Claudia as I headed out the door.

Honestly Ausy has been super fucking needy with these percs, and I end up getting less and less profit from him. I decided to confront him about the situation today, hoping it wouldn't end badly.

At the end of the day, he was my best friend. I'm not going to be the reason he spirals.

Once I arrived at his house, I noticed he was the only one there. It's kinda odd, considering his homies are always around but maybe they were all on the way.

"Hey Ausyyyyy," I say, coming in and bumping his hand.

He motions for me to sit on the couch with him, handing me a blunt, "Saphhh shit you look good."

"It's for the party tonight, I'm trying to sell out," I tell him.

"Yeah, you do a good job at hiding the withdraws but I know you better than that. Why are you quitting?" he asks.

I knew he would notice something was off about me. I didn't know how to tell him honestly.

"Claudia is wanting me to quit molly. I just haven't been able to get out of the house long enough to do some," I tell him, handing him the blunt back.

He nods, taking a hit himself, "What she doesn't know won't hurt her."

I nodded my head. We thought alike. I couldn't tell if that was good or bad.

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