Are you the one? (Pt.2)

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~Y/N POV:~

"Everyone just woke up, there's been some obvious tension in the house between Liliane and Billie, as well as Harry and Molly for some reason? I can't seem to understand what KIND of tension is between them, though," I say as I talk to the camera. I was currently having one of my one on one sessions with the crew for the shows insight on my opinion.

I look to my left to see Luis coming in, and I smile, "Hi love!"

"Hey," he says, coming in from behind me and kissing my cheek.

"This is, well- let's just call it some fun for now," I say to the camera, laughing.

I knew there was something between me and Luis. Just wasn't sure if it was lust or love.

After a few more minutes of us talking to the camera, we decided to join the rest of everyone outside for our first set of games.


Honestly, everything has been super hard, not being able to be super affectionate with Harry. I'm worried some people are catching on to what we have here.

"So what's the deal with you and Harry?" Tana asks me as she bites into a grape.

I look at her and shrug it off, "Nothing really, I think we connect as friends. We just have different outlooks on life."

She shakes her head, "I call bullshit."

I scoff, "So what was it with you and Que last night in the boom boom room?"

"Ohhh shit!" everyone chimed as they heard the commotion going on.

She shrugs, "It was a one night stand thing, so what?"

I shake my head, "Didn't seem like a one night stand thing to me miss 'I hope we match' conversation on the porch this morning."

Yeah, that's right. I heard them talking all fucking cuddled up with their coffee this morning in the hammock.

"Yeah you're in my fucking business Molly, you shouldn't do that," she says, storming off.

I throw my hands in the air as I raise my voice, "It's everyone's fucking business, Tana! We are in a game to win, so if you think he's your fucking match, lets send you to the truth booth!"

Harry comes up behind me and motions for me to come outside, "Don't make a big deal out of this," he says quietly.

I see Y/n, Luis, and Billie all curled up on the couch obviously talking about me and Harry.


"Hey what's up guys! How was your first night in the mansion?" our host Jake asks.

We were all surrounded by the pool, which was filled with coconuts, awaiting our first challenge.

Everyone hollars 'good' as he continues to talk.

"First challenge of the summer is going to be for the guys! Here in my hand are quotes that these girls have said before. Your job is to figure out which girl says which quote. Each coconut in the pool is printed with these girls names, so make sure you pick correctly!" he tells us.

We all nod, understanding the rules.

"The top three winners will be able to choose a date to go water rip rafting along with a nice lunch on a secluded beach!"

I smiled, pumping my fist in the air. I knew for a fact I was going for Tana.

I knew she fucked Que in the boom boom room last night, but I don't think her head is in the right place. She goes for guys who are too easy to give her what she wants.

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