Trip to you (pt.4)

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It's been a very long day today, between keeping tabs on August and getting pulled into surgeries left and right. I finally take the time to sit down and relax, eating my salad. I decided to FaceTime Billie during my break. She answers after the second ring. She was buried under mounds of blankets. I frowned, she looked upset.

"Hey Bil, what's wrong?" I ask.

She sighs and hugs tightly onto one of her pillows, "Just having a rough time with my brother. He was yelling at me this morning."

I take a sip of water from my nurse mug, "Why? What happened? I swear sometimes he can be so grumpy."

Billie sighs, "Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something-"

Suddenly my pager goes off, August is coding. I jump up, taking my phone with me as I run down the hallway, "I got to go Billie August is coding! I'll call you later, bye!"

I quickly hug up the phone and stuffed it in one of my lower leg pockets, running into the room to find another nurse giving him compressions. I jump in front of her, telling her that I'm here to take over.

"I got it I got it, damn it move," I say as I push her out of my way.

She instructs another nurse to push in medications through his IV line in hopes that his heart will start again.

After about 5 minutes of doing this, his heart beat comes back to life. It's slow, but it's there. I walk out of the room, taking off my gloves and grabbing his chart. Why the hell is he crashing so much? I remembered he had a heart murmur, so I decided to page cardiology to take a look at him again. There has to be something wrong here, it just doesn't seem right.

"Incoming in the pit y/n come on!" One of the nurses yells at me as we both head down to the emergency room.

I felt bad for hanging up on Billie so suddenly, especially after we haven't really spoken much within the past 48 hours. sometimes it gets like this though, and I hope she will be okay whenever she comes to stay with me at my apartment in... wait. Billie is coming tomorrow! Shit. I mentally slap myself for being so unprepared. My shift ends in about 4 hours, and she flies out in 5. I hope this patient wont take long, so I can go home and prepare for her.

"Patients name is Cathy Watkins. Her mother found her unconscious on her bathroom floor. She was unresponsive at the scene, but came to on the ride over," the paramedic tells me.

I nod my head and motion for them to hand over the gurney to me. "Cathy, hi sweetheart can you tell me if anything hurts?" I say quietly.

She yanks my shirt down and pulls me in close before saying quickly, "I am 8 months pregnant, please don't tell my mom."

I frown and crouch down to where she can speak to me, "How old are you? Who is your doctor?"

She starts to tear up a bit as she whispers, "I'm going to be 18 in two weeks, my boyfriend is going to take me in but I didn't want to stay with him because he hits me and I didn't want my baby around that type of violence-" she starts to groan in pain.

I lift up her shirt to see her abdomen bruised and rigid. "Cathy what did you do that made you fall in the bathroom?" I ask her quickly.

"I was trying- ahh- to take a shower but I got extremely dizzy-" she tries to explain to me but the pain seemed to be too great.

"Alright okay can I get an ultrasound over here? Quickly??" I say.

I take out my pager to page OB and the latest Pediatric surgeon on call. I have a feeling this baby is coming out today.

"Your daughter is currently in recovery, and your grandchild is in the nursery," I am currently sitting with Cathy's mother who has been patiently waiting in the waiting room for quite sometime now.

"Grandchild? What do you mean?" she asks frantically.

I gently put my hand on top of hers, "Your daughter Cathy was 8 months pregnant whenever she came into the ER. Her baby was experiencing some difficulties which caused Cathy to also experience the difficulties at the same time. This is called the mirroring syndrome."

Tears started to form in the mothers eyes as she tried to piece together all of this information. Her child has been pregnant for 8 months and she never noticed.

"So I'm a grandmother," she laughs, "the father is probably that son of a bitch Zion."

My body stopped dead cold. Did she really just say Zion?


After my shift, all I could think about was Billie. I completely left her hanging during my almost break. I wondered if she was holding up well, considering she said that her and Finneas had gotten into a fight this morning. I slide into my car and plug my phone up onto the charger, immediately facetiming Bil. She picks up after the second ring, revealing her in her room packing.

"Hey! Is everything okay with the little boy from earlier??" She asks.

I think its cute how she actually cares about my work and shit.

"Yea, he's fine. Sorry I didn't call earlier, I got pulled onto another crazy case. The little girl and her baby are just fine now though-"

"Baby? There was a pregnant teen?" she asks, cutting me off.

I sigh, not sure if I should tell her about my situation. I never really talked about Zion before, to anyone. There are just some things that happened in that relationship that were extremely dark.

"Yea there was.. and she had an abusive boyfriend and it was just a mess. She's okay now." I say reassuringly.

I want to talk to her about him in person. Not like she's my girlfriend or anything, just... she's one of my best friends and it would be nice for her to hear it in person.

she nods her head, stuffing some joggers into her suitcase, "Whatever the case would have been, I know you must have handled it well. You're an amazing scrub nurse y/n, its just crazy all of the amazing things you do... and you're not even out of college yet!"

I couldn't help but blush, "Shut the hell up, you're just as amazing if not more. You save millions of lives just by singing and caring for others around the world. You're adored by me and so many others, its truly amazing just to even be able to speak to someone like you."

"Oh so you adore me?" she asks, a smirk laying playfully on her lips.

I shake my head from embarrassment as I stutter, "I- well, yes of course I do but-"

She laughs, "Don't worry y/n, I adore you too. Get some sleep, you have to be up early to come and get me from the airport tomorrow morning. Goodnight."

With that, she hung up the phone, leaving me speechless. That little bitch. Damn it.

---Should I continue this series or move onto another imagine?---

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