Oh Fuck (pt.2)

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I open my eyes and scan the room to see an unfamiliar surrounding. I jump up and feel the yank of someone's arm sling off me. I gasp and look down to find Billie being jolted awake, a scared expression on her face.

"Billie I'm sorry! I didn't know where I was, so I freaked out," I whispered to her.

She smiles and motions for me to go back into her arms. I grab my phone from being on the table and obey as I cuddle back into her chest.

She wraps her arms around me again, almost immediately falling back asleep. I check my phone for any notifications and find several from Chey.

Chey: did you make it home?? You didn't use the cash app money?

Me: Don't worry I'm fine

I didn't feel like explaining my entire situation to her, because I didn't really understand it myself. Plus do I really want to let everyone know what I've been doing with Billie fucking Eilish? Something like this just has to stay quiet, or the fans will go fucking crazy. Oh shit the fans.

I sigh and open Instagram, scrolling through the latest from last nights concert. My heart drops at the sight of everyone's latest video.. of me. It was during the concert when Billie took my hand. Some of the captions were harsh...

Billie does end up picking favorites 😒

This girl is probably a local. I was right next to her the whole time she only knew bad guy and ocean eyes!

I roll my eyes and open the comments to
find my fans defending the shit out of me. I liked some of the comments before debating on making a video. Something like this needed to be addressed before it got out of hand.

"What time is it," Billie murmurs.

I smile before saying, "9:23, I can't believe I slept through the night."

She take a deep breath in before letting it out, squeezing her arms around me, "You were just so comfy."

I laugh and turn around to face her. Her eyes were wide open by now, as she glanced between me and my phone.

"You have a fan page?" She asks.

I quickly set my phone down before answering, "Uhh yes kinda. Do you have a fan page?"

She laughs before winking at me. I roll my eyes before shooting up again, accidentally throwing Billie off me.

"What the hell y/n?" She groans, sitting up as well.

"I was supposed to have a fucking meeting with my manager about releasing this song today at 9:30 fuck!" I say as I quickly try to put my shoes on.

I stand up and go to one of the mirrors on the wall to find my makeup didn't hold throughout the night.

"Fuckkk my life," I groan, trying to fix my mascara. Billie comes up behind me and laughs as we both have raccoon eyes.

"Don't stress it mama, we can go and get ready and I'll take you. I can explain the situation," she says calmly.

I turn my head around, "No you don't understand these people are strict as hell. And meaning it's already past our appointment I just lost my record deal."

I slowly make my way over to the couch and sit down in defeat. I can't believe I just lost it. Billie disappeared out of the room for a second before coming back with a uke. I look up and frown, what was she planning?
She comes up to me and hands me the uke, "You look like you play. Play me a song?"

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