drowning in ecstacy

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It only took another 20 minutes but both boys were finally in the car ready to go. They planned to drive along to the beach, around 40 minutes away, and then take a walk along the shore before stopping at sunset to eat.

George was overly excited the whole first half of the journey, bouncing around in his seat and giggling randomly every so often. He had never been to a beach before, growing up in the city didn't leave much opportunity.

"Jesus George would you calm down you're gonna hurt yourself if you don't chill," Dream said, glancing at George out of the corner of his eyes whilst trying to remain focused on the road.
"I'm sorry-" he was interrupted by a hiccup most likely caused by all of his bubbly giggles,  "I'm just too excited!"

Dream removed one of his strong hands from the steering wheel and placed it firmly on George's knee before slowly sliding it up his bare leg under his shorts to his upper thigh. George sucked in a breath, his hiccups gone and giggles subsided instantly.

"That shut you up huh?" Dream chuckled with a coy smile upon his lips, his vision not once leaving the road. He traced his fingers softly over George's porcelain skin on his leg, occasionally tickling his fingers higher up his shorts to the hem of his boxers.

George squirmed around in his seat, unsure wether to push closer to Dreams warm hand or farther away. He let out a shaky breath as he felt a finger slip under the material of his boxers, tracing delicate circles onto George's growing bulge (I'm sorry I hate that word).

Just as he began to slowly inch his hips forward towards the boys fingers to create some sort of friction, Dreams hand disappeared.

George let out a small whine at the loss of potential pleasure whilst dream laughed under his breath.

"We're here Georgie, the fun is just beginning don't worry, there's plenty of time for that later."
Dream got out of the car first before heading round to open George's door.

The pair walked side by side in a peaceful silence along the shore, the soft rush of the sea calming each and every butterfly which blossomed inside their stomachs every time their fingers brushed together. As they reached a quiet spot on the sand away from eyes of prying strangers, Dream looked down at the brown haired boy to his left. He slowly run his finger over the back of George's hand before taking his fingers in his own, interlocked. George looked up at the sudden contact and smiled, pink blush scattering his cheeks.

As the sun began to fall, Dream and George found a sheltered place by the rocks to sit and eat. Turns out George could cook a pretty decent meal if he set his mind to it. The shared quiet laughter and intimacy as they spoke about all things unspoken before getting distracted by one and other in the auburn glow of the sunset.

Slight time skip (like 30 mins)

Dream stood up from the rock they sat on, gently knocking George's phone out his hand. He looked down and reached out a hand for the smaller to take. George took it. He pulled him up gently before beginning to run towards the tide, dragging the other behind him.

The surrounding beach was empty, the only noise heard was the laugher coming from the two best friends at the end of the rocks. Dream let go of George's hand and kicked off his shoes as they reached the water signalling for George to do the same. The younger boy was first in, waging through the water as it got deeper and deeper, enough to cover his middle. He spun around looking for the other. George stood stalk still on the edge of the sand, terrified.

"Come on Georgie!" Dream called out, extending his arm one again in hopes the boy would follow. George simply shook his head. Dream laughed inwardly as he slowly trudged back to the shore.
"What? Don't tell me you're scared of the water?"
"Maybe... Look it's not my fault I never learned to swim!"
Dream chuckled, "Okay, okay just follow me in and I'll stop when I think it gets too deep." George looked up at the blonde, still sceptical.
"I promise you, I won't let go." George smiled at the reassurance and hesitantly took Dreams larger hand in his own.

The two boys pushed hand in hand through the warm water, stopping every few minutes for Dream to convince George he wasn't going to die. As the water became higher up Dreams stomach it was already engulfing George's chest and shoulders. He flailed his arms around trying to pry his fingers from Dreams to return back to the sand for safety.

"Not yet, George you're fine oh my gosh stop wriggling around someone's gonna think I'm drowning you!" He continued to drag George deeper into the water, despite his words he wasn't planning on stopping until George was in up to his neck.
"Dreammmm please stop I can barely touch the sand," George whined, now attempting to overpower Dream and drag them both out of the water.

Without warning, Dream lunged forward in the water so his entire chest was covered in the warm blue. George gasped for breath as he felt himself being dragged forward and under, his feet now entirely off the sea floor and his head submerged. He kicked his legs dramatically trying to return to the surface, he could hear Dreams wheeze from above. Just as he felt the panic within him begin to overtake, two large hands wrapped around his lower back pulling him up.

Dream held George in his arms, their bare stomachs tight together and George's legs wrapped around Dreams back. The smallest boys pants and spluttering could barely be heard over Dreams laughter.
"It's not funny you almost drowned me!"
"Oh- my god-" he was cut off with a loud wheeze, " you're so dramatic! You were only under for like.. two seconds!"
George steadily caught his breath just as Dream continued to lose his own. Only now did the boy realise how close their bodies were and how he could feel Dreams warm breath tickling his nose.

As Dreams laughter subsided, he too noticed their closeness. He peered down at George, both boys instinctively moving their faces closer together, leaning their foreheads against one and other. The golden glow of the sunset reflected perfectly on to George's honey eyes just as it did on Dreams tan skin. Moments passed without a word being ushered from either boy as if not to ruin the perfect moment. Their breaths could be felt against each other's lips and the sounds of their heartbeats may as well have been strong enough to hear out loud. Slowly, George tilted his head upward, gently closing the gap between their lips.

Dreams lips felt soft on his own, he longed for the feeling to stay forever and for the taste of the boy to never leave. The kiss was warm and tender. Dream could feel the kaleidoscope of butterflies erupt from his stomach straight into his heart.

After several moments, Dream pulled away. A strand of saliva keeping the connection between their mouths. Both of their cheeks were painted with a deep blush as they remained so close together, the taste on their lips lingering and longing to return together.
"What are we, George?" Dreams voice a mere whisper onto the other boys face.
George chuckled lightly before responding.
" Friends..?"
Dream wheezed tilting his head back.
"We literally fucked."
This time it was George's turn to laugh. His head fell back onto his shoulders as his smile grew wide. He looked back meeting Dreams eyes.
"Friends with benefits?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.
"You're such an idiot." Both boys fell into a fit of laughter, Dreams grip on George's back and legs still strong and George's arms still clasped tightly around the others neck as his head fell forward onto his shoulder. Whatever they were, they knew the feeling was mutual.

AN: I'm rly proud of this chapter especially the ending. I feel like now I'm actually trying to make this book good to read rather than just rushing to the smut I'm actually doing a decent job at writing lmao.
Please comment any feedback and constructive criticism if u want, i appreciate it all. Thank you all so much for reading up to here so far :)

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