Sweet Dreams

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Slight nsfw at the end of the chapter ;) don't worry I'm not speedrunning it you'll see

They said their goodbyes and the small noise sounded to indicate Sapnap left the call, leaving George and Dream alone.
What could possibly go wrong?

The call was silent for what seemed like hours to Dream, yet it was only seconds. George was the first to break the tension.
"Good stream tonight." His voice flat, no excitement or general emotion could be sensed.
"Yea it was" Dream replied forcing a dry laugh.
Why was it so awkward, it was never awkward between them.
"You know you've got people shipping us now?" George laughed, a small sign of hope for Dream.
He felt his cheeks blush, unsure why.
"Oh god, sorry haha. I'm sure it'll die down soon." Part of him felt guilty, knowing anything about discussing 'relationships' made George uncomfortable, but part of him didn't mind. The thought of him and his friend as more than platonic wasn't the most alien concept to him.

Again, he was unsure why.

George remained silent. Dream could sense his uncomfortableness through the call. He felt it best if he got out the question that had been burning is his mind for months. With no hesitation, he bluntly asked him, it came off as more of an accusation rather than a harmless wondering.

"Look, George. I gotta know. What's up with you and this awkwardness when it comes to guy- gir- people?" He cringed at his own words. He'd known George for years yet still had no idea if he was really into girls or if his joking flirts meant more.
"What? I'm not awkward.."
"Convincing" Dream scoffed.

George hesitated. Debating if it was worth telling Dream about his childhood.
"I dunno, I guess just growing up in a house that didn't show much affection or where I'd be disciplined if I talked about myself too much.. It's hard for me to talk about I don't know" he trailed off. Dream could sense it was a sensitive topic for the boy but he'd been bothered by this for months. He needed to try and break through. They'd been best friends for years yet still there was this distance between them when it came to George's feelings for anything remotely personal. He'd tried being sweet, being upfront, using humour, everything in the book. Nothing got through to him. But now, a new idea entered his brain. A new tactic. It was risky, but what did he have to lose. It couldn't get more awkward than this.

"Thanks for telling me that, I know it must've been hard. But I want you to know.." he lowered the tone of his voice and dropped the volume to a near whisper, leaning in close to his mic, "I love you George, you mean so incredibly much to me and I'm not joking around here. I want, no..." He paused leaning slightly away from his mic relaxing his tone. "I NEED you to know, you can always tell me if somethings up."

George POV
The hair on the back of his neck stood up, a chill shot down his spine. He tried to reply but his mouth had dried up, only a small choking sound was all he was able to produce.

Holy fuck.

How did he do that, make his heart skip a beat and his stomach flutter. Just with what? His voice? He could feel a warmth in his chest, he'd never had that much affection expressed to him before. His parents never talked about anything remotely loving in their house growing up. And if George was upset or even excited about his day, he'd be pushed down and denied attention whenever he tried to talk to them. That's probably where his issue of dealing with his feelings came from. He never saw a therapist though. That would require discussing his feelings. Ironic.

Not only did he feel his chest warm up as the words touched his heart, he felt a slight twinge in his lower abdomen stemming down lower to his crotch. His face burned. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath, trying to prepare himself. Opening his eyes, he looked down, a slight bulge in his black joggers was forming. Grabbing his water bottle from the side of his keyboard, he downed the lot, as the cold water hit his throat he felt himself calm down.

Mortified at how Dreams voice had got to him, he made an excuse to end the call.
"I appreciate that D- Dream. Seriously. It- it means a lot. But I gotta go now I'm gonna head for an early bed." George hoped his voice sounded steady to his friend. Praying he wouldn't notice how flustered he'd gotten.

Dream POV
He'd done it. He'd found George's weakness. His soft spot. He felt his stomach drop with excitement and pride. As George spoke, Dream could tell he was shaken up, it was obvious. He was good at hiding his feelings but not that good. Dream smirked, loving knowing how much his voice had affected his friend.

"All good man, speak to you tomorrow" Dream said, his voice returned to normal. George left the call and Dream powered down his pc. He leaned back in his chair smiling. He felt stupid. But he felt powerful.
After spending some time consumed by his ever growing ego, he decided it best if he got some sleep. Quickly getting changed and brushing his teeth, he climbed into bed and closed his eyes tight. He felt himself falling further and further into sleep, his head beginning to spin.


His hands clenched the white sheet of his bed covers, veins bulging and body squirming. His breathing was fast and heavy. Dreams other hand was gripping a smaller hand, fingers interlocked resting on the bed above a mess of brown hair. Sweat gathered on his forehead and bare chest and he could feel the friction in his crotch against the stranger in his bed. The brown haired boy he was towering over rolled his head back against the pillow moaning Dreams name desperately, trying to get more. Dream lowered himself down to connect their lips, the kiss filled with passion and urgency, soft moans pushing through the gap between them. He pulled away, opening his eyes for the first time meeting those of the boy he was with. The stranger in his bed who was moaning his name. It was George.

A/N: A lil spice in this chapter lmao. Sorry the start of it was slow, I wasn't too sure how to play out their conversation with the POV switch. DONT WORRY the book wont progress super quick I just wanted to throw this in here early. I hope it was alright, not too much just a tester. This chapter wasn't too long just under 1000 words but I think it was of good enough quality to suffice.

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