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The rumble of the plane engine grew lighter as they came to a stop on the edge of the runway. A beep sounded from above and everyone began to unclip their seatbelts and gather their belongings. At the far back of the plane, George reached up over his seat to grab his luggage. He wore a navy blue hoodie and black sweats, his brown hair messy from the long flight. After he left the plane he reached security and eventually the main airport building. He found a seat outside a cafe and sat down by himself pulling out his phone to message Sapnap.

Georgenotloved : Heyy
               Got off the plane and sitting outside a
              Text me when ur close
Swipnip : hey I'm close by, I'll see u in a min

George turned off his phone placing it in his pocket. He stood up to get a better view of passers by. He heard a voice to his left shortly after, he could recognised it from anywhere.


He spun around to see Sapnap walking over to him holding his arms out eagerly.
"Sapnap!!" He reached his arms out too walking towards his friend. They connected, hugging each other tightly. The boys broke away grinning ear to ear.

"It's good to meet you bro!" Sapnap smiled. George couldn't believe this was the first time he was meeting his best friend after so many years.

The pair walked outside to the main doors, Sapnap called an Uber for them both to drop them at the hotel before heading to Dreams house.  They had tried messaging him to let him know they were coming since he probably wouldn't be happy about it but like normal he never answered.

They dropped their bags off at the hotel, both sharing a room for quickness.
"You wanna grab a quick bite downstairs before we go?" Sapnap asked. He was hungry after his flight and didn't really feel like driving a half hour on an empty stomach.
"Sure whatever, let's go." George replied quickly grabbing his shoes. He was hungry too but it was overpowered by his nerves of meeting Dream for the first time. How would he look? Would he sound the same in real life like he did over discord? Would his laugh still make George's stomach fill with butterflies?

Unlike Dream, George was comfortable in his own feelings, he just didn't share them. He'd known he was gay since he was young, though he'd never had a boyfriend, just a couple of girlfriends when he was a teen trying to convince himself and his parents he was straight.

George knew he had a crush on Dream, he had done for years, but he also knew it was only one sided.  There was no chance Dream would ever go for a guy like George, he was short, awfully scrawny compared to the other guys he knew who all towered over him with wide shoulders and large muscles and although he knew he wasn't the most unattractive guy on Earth, his self confidence certainly didn't help.

But then again, maybe Dream was different to what George thought, maybe when they met, George would feel different about his friend. All these thoughts swarmed in him buzzing around wishing to be let out like bees in a hive. He desperately wished to talk about his feeling with the boy walking next to him, but the thought of it made him sick. Discussing his emotions was a fear so deep rooted in George that no one he had ever met had yet managed to break the barrier. No one except Dream.

The pair grabbed a quick meal at the downstairs hotel restaurant. George forced himself to eat despite his nerves. They both sat in the back of the Uber catching up with each other, the real first conversation they had ever had together that wasn't over a game. Sapnap decided it was best if they called Dream before they arrived at his house. They expected him to be mad, they flew thousands of miles to barge in at his own personal space, they were going to see his face after years of teasing and joking and he had been ignoring them for whatever reason so he had bound to be mad about that too. Sapnap held his phone to his ear. George could hear it ringing. Ringing. Ringing. Ringing. Nothing.

No answer like always. Sapnap sighed and put his phone in his pocket while George slumped against the window of the car looking out to the new surroundings. The sky was clear and the sun had just set over the houses passing by. They turned into a new street leading to a new neighbourhood. The houses were big and glamorous to George especially compared to those in London. He thought they must be getting close now, he always imagined Dream living in a big one story house in a big community. The car slowed to a stop outside a large house in the middle of one of the streets. George looked down and unbuckled his seatbelt as sapnap did the same. They could see the lights on inside the house and the shadowy figure of a man sitting by the front window. George's heart dropped. That was Dream. They were here. Together.

The figure by the window turned their head to face the car outside, the house too far away up the drive for George or Sapnap to make out a face through the cars dirty windows. But to Dream. He could see them perfectly.

AN: Hi! This was an okay sized chapter, a bit shorter than I'd hoped but i think this is more of a filler. I'll be switching back to Dreams POV next chapter but most likely going between George and him and maybe Sapnap too. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, any constructive feedback is welcome as always! :))

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