Ruin Our Friendship

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The boys had been together in Florida for just over 2 weeks now. Their time there had been enjoyable yet not spent wisely in the slightest. Dream still refused to upload on his channel and remained in his ways of sleeping with any girl who got remotely close to him. George was tired of it. He and Sapnap spent countless days trying to keep Dream out late enough at night so he wouldn't have the chance to go out himself, but it always ended with him yelling and George calling Sapnap off in fear of himself having some form of anxiety or panic attack.

Sapnap had received a text one morning and decided he should break the news to the other two late that afternoon.
"Guys.. I gotta go back to Texas. My mom, she's sick right now. It's nothing serious but I still wanna be there for her since she's alone all the time."

George felt guilty for keeping his friend out there for so long whilst making no progress, but he also took the opportunity to stay alone in Florida with Dream.

Time skip- George has been alone in Florida for around 3 days

"Dream?" George said quietly as they sat eating breakfast one early morning.
"Yeah what's up?" Dream replied.
"You maybe wanna head to the movies tonight? I've never been to an American cinema and I think it would be cool for us to do." George hesitated before adding, "You don't have to though!" He feared another argument with Dream especially now they were alone without Sapnap to buffer.

"I can't."
"I can't, George. I'm going out again."

Dreams replies were short. Clearly not wanting to stay on the subject, he rose from his chair and headed off to his room leaving George at the table alone.

As night came George could hear Dream in the hall from the kitchen, rustling around looking for his shoes. The slam of the front door indicated that he was left alone in the house. He sighed. George's plan was just to stream from Dreams pc like he was doing every night when he was left by himself but this time his actions were interrupted by his phone.

Swipnip: Follow him.
Georgenotloved: what
Swipnip: it's 11 I know he's out
           He's always gone by now
follow him.
it's gone on too far just go see where he
goes and stop him for once.

The idea seemed stupid at first. But the more he sat alone in his thoughts the more it didn't seem to be. George got up grabbing his jacket and shoes before sprinting out the door. He'd hired a car at the end of Sapnaps visit since he wasn't sure how much longer he'd be there. George pulled up Snapchat and opened the map, it felt creepy but it was the only way to know where to find his friend. He was only a few minutes away. George stuck the key in the ignition and kicked the car into drive.

It was only a short few minutes before the car pulled up behind Dreams parked one, outside a nightclub. Of course he was at a night club. Just where George hated the most. The smell of Booz you could practically taste in your lungs, the loud music that made you want to tear your ears off. And worst of all, the drunken, horny strangers who all wanted to go home with whoever was pitiful enough to take them. That explained why Dream was here.

George walked into the club, the music blared making his skull vibrate and his heartbeat quicken in his chest along with the rhythm. He looked around for a few minutes trying to see if he could spot Dream in the crowed of dancing strangers but inevitably gave up and allowed himself to grab a drink from the bar. He promised himself it would only be one, just to take his mind off how bad his trip had been and to ease the growing headache he could feel.

But one drink turned into two, and two turned into three, and so on until he had downed more than 10 drinks, half of which went down his shirt. He sat alone, giggling and burping at the strangers dancing in front of him. A sudden idea jumped into his head and with his no hesitation he allowed his drunken brain to carry his body to the dance floor.

Dreams POV
The nightclub was Dreams favourite spot. He knew it would be filled with desperate, self hating girls who'd go home with him without question and it was certainly somewhere he could be away from his thoughts. The loud music and alcohol wouldn't allow his brain to down his mood. He knew George wouldn't be there either. George hated clubs, Dream knew that.

He sloppily poured the last drink into his mouth spilling it all down the side of his chin which he wiped with his sleeve. He was heavily drunk and had not a care in the world. He stumbled out of his chair and to the dance floor, bumping into groups of girls as he went not caring to apologise for the havoc he was wrecking. His vision was blurry and the white strobe lights cut through his eyes like knives. He pushed himself to the centre of the crowed dancing euphorically his head looking up and his hand running through his messy hair. The beats of the music pulsed in his skull and his ears focused on the words as he moved to the sound.

I don't know how to say this,
'Cause you're really my dearest friend.

The lyrics sounded familiar to Dream, though he wasn't sure from where. He didn't ponder on the thought to much, the drinks in his system took his mind away and he allowed himself to float to the lyrics moving across the open spaces between the bodies around him. He bumped into a stranger in the middle of the dance floor. His eyes couldn't make out who it was though a strange feeling washed over Dream, like he knew the figure. The two strangers danced together closely, jumping to the music and putting their hands in the air sensually, dragging them down the others chest or through their hair.

I've been doing bad things that you don't
know about.

Dream pulled himself closer to the stranger so he could see their eyes in the bright flashing lights. Their eyes were brown like deep honey pools he only wished to get lost in. His hair was messy and short and his cheeks were lined with light freckles. Dream knew immediately who's shirt it was that he'd slid his hand up seconds before to rest on their chest as they danced. He knew and he didn't care.

Maybe it was the humid air of the club or the sweaty strangers surrounding them. But Dream knew it was George and George knew it was Dream, and they really didn't care.

"Dream?" George yelled over the music. He had his hands on the other boys neck while he jumped to the music.
"George." Dream replied simply.
Both boys stopped jumping to the music standing still in the centre of the dance floor, the lights flashed around them and the music became fuzzy. George met Dreams bright green eyes as Dreams met George's. Their lips were mere centimetres apart and they could feel each other's hot breath on their own sending shivers through the both of them.

"This is a bad idea." George whispered to Dream. His breath was hot and heavy, his heartbeat fast too.

They closed the gap between them, Dream felt his hands clasp George's shirt collar connecting their bodies creating friction between the two. George broke the kiss and his head rolled back on his shoulders, his lips parted. The pair began dancing to the music again reconnecting their lips as they moved. They sensually swayed to the beat, their movements desperate and together like every other set of strangers in the club desperate for love.

Dream pushed his tongue against George's lip asking for more, he accepted. Their tongues danced together inside their mouths and their lips pushed together passionately. The dance floor and bodies around them seemed to fade away and all that existed was the two boys and the heat between them.

I wanna ruin our friendship.
We should be lovers instead.

A/N: I'm pretty happy with this chapter, if you haven't listened to it already I suggest listening to "Jenny" by studio killers (the song featured in this chapter). I hope my description of their dancing was detailed enough, it was hard for me to explain. I hope you guys liked this chapter!!

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