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Trust the process with this chapter, it seems confusing at first but in the end you'll understand :))

The chatter from the discord call, loud and uncontrolled poured into Dreams headphones. Himself, George and Sapnap spoke for hours recording a video for George's channel before Dream decided on their behalf that they'd finish another day. He hung up the call and stood up off his chair, a defined indent visible from where he'd been sitting all day. A loud growling sounded from his stomach reminding him of the lack of food he'd eaten. He sluggishly walked to his kitchen to grab anything he could find to eat but returned to his room disappointed after seeing the emptiness of his refrigerator. An exasperated sigh slipped past his lips as he sat down on his bed, bending over and slipping on a pair of old shoes. He grabbed his keys from his kitchen counter and quickly left his house to go and get food.

Dream parked his car under a tree in the shade and got out heading to the front door of the shop. He planned to stock up on as much food as possible, he hated leaving the house unless necessary, too many close calls with people recognising his voice put him off for life. It was always awkward trying to explain to young fans who questioned his identity that he wasn't who they thought he was. It broke his heart lying to them but he knew that when he was ready, he'd tell the world who he was.

He walked around the shop grabbing items off the shelves every so often and placing them in his cart. The store was quiet which he was thankful for, no one seemed to show any interest in one and other as they silently walked up and down the isles. His phone pinged in his pocket as he was picking up food for his cat, Patches. He reached up with one hand onto the top shelve to grab her usual food while he looked down at his phone in the other. As he typed a reply to the text he received he began to walk to the next isle not paying attention to his surroundings. Something firm bumped against his front knocking him backwards along with his phone and cat food out his hands. He looked up to meet eyes with a brown haired girl similar to his age. She smiled and blushed red quickly apologising for bumping into him.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I was looking at my phone and I wasn't paying attention and I really should have watched where I was going, I'm so clumsy!" She stammered trying to explain herself dropping her gaze to the floor where a few of her items lay. They both bent down grabbing their things.

"No don't worry about it it's totally fine." Dream replied quickly trying to avoid using his voice incase she knew him. He placed his hand on the cat food he picked up for Patches but his fingers met those of the girls across from him. He looked up. She was pretty. Really pretty. Her long dark hair flowed past her shoulders and her hazel eyes met Dreams as she laughed a perfect smile.
"Guess we both have cats then" she giggled, her voice soft now that she had calmed down. She had an accent but Dream couldn't work out where it was from.

Dream laughed as he grabbed his own food, standing up. She followed suit, getting up seconds later, Dream noticed how much shorter she was than him. She cleared her throat, twiddling her thumbs against her lap.

"You seem cool, would you maybe wanna, I dunno... get some dinner? Sometime?" She said quietly. Dream hesitated. He thought of all the times he lay at home wishing he was with someone special. He also thought of George. No. Wait. George? He snapped himself out of his thoughts, unsure why George was what his subconscious brought to him after being asked out by a girl for the first time in years. Pushing the thought aside, he met her eyes quickly before replying.

"Sure yeah, that sounds good! Great- actually." He smiled in reply. They exchanged phone numbers before parting ways, opposite down the isle.

Soft Spot (Dream X Georgenotfound)Where stories live. Discover now