The End of the Beginning

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Time Skip- 2 years later

The end of the beginning, a funny saying really. It's when life is finally all tied up in a little bow, when the unsteady climb up descends into an even steeper journey down, when the main character finds love or is killed off or is simply at peace with their mind.

George had never planned to fall in love. Dream had never planned to fall for his best friend. But the universe brought them together with no hope of stopping it, and they couldn't be happier.

It had officially been too years since Dream asked George to be official. In that time they've made many memories. The pair spend 6 months travelling around the world, experiencing new culture and new adventure. They became public about their relation ship on social media, they even attended a full Dream SMP meet up with all their friends.

Though Dream knew that despite all their exploring and their new experiences as a couple, it would never be complete until they did. Like I said, the end of the beginning, when life is finally tied up, he needed their love to be tied tighter, to be forever bound .

It was a late Saturday evening, right in the heart of June. The birds outside could be heard singing their songs from deep within the house. Heatwaves pulsed off the falling sun through the windows, surrounding the boys in a warm haze. George didn't know where they were going, Dream had told him to dress up and to be ready for 6.

The brunette wore a deep blue button up shirt paired with a floaty black skirt. Over the years George had learned to express himself better, dream was always pushing him out his comfort zone, urging him to try new things and even though in the moment he hated him for it, he was always glad. It gave him a sense of pride and nurture that he hadn't experienced growing up. Dream was like home.

Dream was waiting out in the entry way for his lover. He himself wore a fitted black T with tan trousers to match. His jacket clutched tight against his chest as if his life depended on keeping it safe.

After a short wait, George was ready to go. The boys walked out in the orange glow of the sunset light to the car where they drove along a quiet road to their secret destination.

Dream got out the car, quickly walking round to open George's door for him. George scoffed as dream took a deep boy as he exited the car. After all, George was Dreams Prince. They walked in a comforting silence along a small path enclosed with tall cavernous trees. George hadn't been here before even after moving in with Dream permanently in Florida.

They walked a little while longer, hand in hand before Dream stopped and turned to the shorter.
"Close your eyes."
"George, trust me. Close your eyes.
"You're not going to leave me are you?"
Dream rolled his eyes before stepping behind George and placing a large hand over his eyes making him giggle.

Dream lead the boy out into a clearing, George felt the air leave his lungs as Dream removed his hand from his face.
All around them were the most gorgeous flowers imaginable. All in the shades of bright blue and purple, George's favourite. His face lit up as he notice the saturated colours amongst the dull of the grass.

Dream swore he saw the whole universe dance in his eyes in that moment.

Without even saying a word, George spun around and jumped onto Dream, latching his arms around his neck. Dream spun them around, their giggles loud enough for anyone passing by to hear.
"I love you, I love you, I love you!" George giggled into Dreams neck kissing softly in between each line.
Dream felt his whole heart burst. George expressing his feelings always made Dream unnaturally proud of the boy. I guess it was Dreams soft spot for him.

"I love you too, idiot."

Dream placed George gently on the ground before beginning to run backwards through the long flowers, extending his arm out to George. George complied, chasing after the taller. Happiness could be felt thick in the air around them. Their love was tender and soft in this moment, like it was only them alone in the world together.

Dream stopped running at the top of a small hill, letting George stop to catch his breath. He faulted however when noticing the dancing flames of candles flickering along a picnic set up neatly a few steps away causing him to gasp.

The two boys ate slowly, enjoying each other's company. Dream had cooked a rich creamy pasta dish, with the help of his mom of course.

Dream was nervous. He had been waiting for this day for a while now, it was the climax in their story, the big reveal, the cliffhanger.

George rumbles around the wooden picnic basket looking for napkins for the pair. For such a small basket the things inside seemed never ending.
"Dream, I can't find the napkins did you definitely bring some?"
Whilst George still had his hand searching around in the basket, Dream reached in too, placing his warm hand on top of George's.

They looked up at each other, the feeling of their eyes locking still sending electric jolts down their arms even after all their time together. George felt something solid being placed into his hand. It didn't feel like napkins.
He brought his hand away from Dreams out the basket to see a velvet black box sitting between his fingers.

George's heart dropped, it couldn't be what he was thinking it was.
He could feel Dreams gaze burning into him, his heart beat had suddenly increased in volume and his hands began to shake. Dream placed his hand on George's knee, steadying the other boy. It calmed him.

George slowly flipped open the lid of the box to see a sparkling silver ring inside laced with blue rhinestone diamonds along its edge .


In French, you don't say "I miss you."
You say, "tu me mansques," which is closer translated to "you are missing from me."
You are part of me, essential to my being. Like I cannot function without you.
That's how Dream felt about George as George did him.

And that's their story so far. The end of the beginning.

A/N; Yayy! I did it, I finally finished this book. It's definitely not the plan I was going for, this book was more for the smut than the story but since you all enjoyed it so much I tried to lengthen it more.

I'm about to post the first chapter to my new dnf book "Amnesia- DNF" which I showed a preview for last chapter. I'd really appreciate it if you checked it out! It'll definitely be more writing based and I'm hoping for it to be my main priority for the next few months. I really hope you enjoyed this book and I'm sorry if it didn't live up to your expectations, Im pleased with it however I do wish I'd spent more time on the plot rather than rushing it so much but oh well.

Please vote for this if you like and consider saving and voting for my new book too, up now on my profile.
Also follow edixtsmulti on TikTok, I've started posting more mcyt content on there but I'm shadowbanned rn so I'm struggling for views to stay up lmao.

I love u all them for the support!! Stay safe

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