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Art: https://twitter.com/dapioca


  Teal eyes blinked open, narrowing as bright golden light shined into them. Tubbo shifted a bit in his seat, rolling his shoulders with a small wince at the pain that shot through them. The brunette blinked, his surroundings becoming clearer as he leaned out of the sunlight. On his left, was Tommy, the blonde was leaning into his side, his longish hair covering most of his face. His arms were loosely wrapped around himself with his legs hanging over the edge of the couch. To his right was Y/N, their face pressed into his shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around his own with their legs up to their chest, one of their wings pressed against the back of the couch and the other hanging lifelessly off the side. Tubbo let a soft smile appear on his face, despite his miserable position between the two. The hybrid averted his gaze forward as the jingle of a dog tag reached his ears. Fran scurrying out from under a mound of blankets on the floor where tufts of long, white fur was sticking out. Puffy must be sleeping as well, but where is Sam? In his room?

Tubbo leaned up, trying his best not to disturb the two younger teens that had fallen asleep on him. Y/N only looked about a few years younger than Tommy, maybe 13 or 14? The brunette's eyes softened, the boy carefully pulling his arm from Y/N's grip, the teen curling into his side with their arms crossing around themselves. Fran pads over with her tail wagging, jumping up onto the space next to Y/N and curling up, keeping her dark eyes on Tubbo as the boy continues to struggle. The boy was worried if he got up, the two teens would crash into each other. It'd be funny, but he'd rather not wake the two up like that. Tubbo's eyes scanned the room again, hoping to land on a clock or something so he could tell the time. The brunette lets out a sigh, leaning back against the couch in defeat, just out of line of the sunlight shining through one of the windows. The hybrid kicked his legs out a bit, childishly as he stared across the room at the wall. All of a sudden, Puffy shoots up from her spot, glancing around in confusion. The sheep-hybrid mutters something under her breath, running a hand through her curly mess of hair.

"Puffy!" Tubbo whisper-yells, the whitette's head shoots towards him, eyes filled with concern for a moment, but they sweeten, a large smirk falling on her features.

"You doing alright, bud?" The woman says with a small chuckle, Tubbo glaring at her slightly.

"I have to use the bathroom." The brunette complains, slouching a bit. Puffy lets out another light laugh, shuffling to her feet.

"I don't think I can help you." She says, turning to the kitchen whilst stretching, leaving the brunette to fend for himself. Tubbo glares at the spot Puffy had been standing with a frown, before glancing at the two at his sides. Whatever, he'd apologize later. Tubbo moved, getting up quickly, wincing as he stretched. Just as he thought, Y/N fell over and Tommy fell on top of them, their heads bashing together. Y/N quickly shot up, rubbing the side of their head with a whine. Curling their wings around them. Tommy sat up, rubbing the back of his head.

"What the fuck..." The blonde trailed off, glaring at the floor.

"Sorry, I have to use the bathroom!" Tubbo yelped, rushing around the corner quickly. Tommy turned his body, getting to his feet as Puffy let's out a laugh from the other room. Y/N brings their legs up to their chest, letting out a small huff before burying their face in their knees.

"Good Morning, you guys slept for a long time." Puffy explains, stepping back into the living room, a mug of steaming liquid in her hands.

"You fell asleep at around 3 in the afternoon, we were worried you guys would wake up in the middle of the night." The sheep-hybrid continues to explain, running her hands through her hair in an attempt to tame the messy white locks. Tommy watches her for a moment, before he averts his cerulean eyes to the hallway Tubbo had run off too.

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