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Art: WickedElite on Quotev


"She said she'd be back soon." The blonde boy mutters, sitting at the table in Niki's city. The Pink-haired woman was only a few feet away, stress baking once again like she hasn't already had several baked goods filling her chests. It was around Mid-afternoon at this point and neither Sam nor Puffy had returned, Foolish had been messaging back and forth with Charlie, distracted. Tommy knows he shouldn't be worried. The cult wouldn't attack again so soon and this time they wouldn't catch Puffy off guard and if things go well, She has Sam with her too. Ranboo was also in the room, reading one of his books. It felt strange that no one was doing anything. The boy felt like everyone should be moving, working to find their missing family members, but here they were, sitting around as if nothing was wrong. Tubbo was asleep since he hadn't slept at all the night before, Tommy wouldn't have either if he hadn't had been so exhausted that the nightmares stayed away. Tubbo hadn't been as lucky. Karl and Sapnap had left a while ago, back to their home in Kinoko Kingdom, Eret stuck around for longer, up until Puffy had left before returning home. The royal didn't want to leave their castle unattended in the chaos.

"I'm sure she's fine, Tommy." Niki says, not bothering to look at him as she iced the cupcakes she'd made. Tommy watches her for a moment, before turning his gaze back to the metal device clenched in his hands. Y/n didn't have one, He couldn't just send them a message and ask if they were okay. The boy had been hovering over Puffy's contacts for a long time, debating if he should send her one or not. She might be doing something important and get upset. Or he could distract her in a fight. The boy didn't want to take the chance, but the more he thought about it the more he overthought. Tommy's grip around the device tightened as the boy scrolled through the server list, landing on Y/n's name, their text blanked out showing they had no communicator, the same as a few others on the list as well, Tommy's shoulder tense as his eyes land on the distorted Text of Wilbur's name, next to another name Tommy didn't recognize. The boy's mind switched to his brother, Had Dream finally resurrected him, Tommy didn't think he had a reason too seeing as the cult freed him but maybe they needed more numbers. But if that was the case, and Dream had revived Wilbur for him to join them, Why did Wilbur kill Bad.

Tommy's blinks, mind drifting to Techno and Phil, there's no way they didn't see that message, that many death messages in such a short time would catch anyone's attention, so they probably knew Wilbur was back to. Tommy takes in a breath, Wilbur's name wasn't blanked, which meant he had a communicator. The blonde boy hovers over the name for a while, debating with himself if he should contact the tall brunette or not. Would he be the same as he was before he died, power-hungry and insane. Or would he be like Ghostbur, with no memories of any bad things. Tommy had a feeling that would be too good to be true.

"Are you alright?" Tommy jumped, nearly dropping the device as Ranboo had moved from his spot to sit next to the blonde. Tommy quickly shoved his communicator back into his pocket, he wasn't about to get grilled by Ranboo of all people, at least, not again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit worried." Tommy says quickly, looking back to Niki who had taken too leaning against the counter, staring off into space while eating the cupcakes she had made. "Puffy and Sam have been gone a while and...well after all that can you blame me?" Ranboo shakes his head, Book held tightly to his chest.

"Yeah, I'm worried too. But I'm sure they'll be fine." Ranboo says, before offering the book to Tommy, who raises a brow. Ranboo lets out a shy, shoving the item into the younger boy's arms. "Reading is a good way to keep your mind off of things." The tribrid starts. "I figured you need a distraction more than the rest of us with how much you worry." Tommy glances at the book, one of the many that lined Puffy's shelves in her Snowchester home, A bright green book with little sprites drawn onto the leather cover neatly.

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