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Art: @scribblee_bee 

this is kind of short, setting the scene. 


A loud crash was what woke Tubbo in the morning, followed by yelling. The brunette hybrid groggily raised his head to glance outside, noticing that the sun had only just started to rise. The goat boy let out an irritated groan before flipping onto his back, staring at the ceiling for a moment as he listened to the mix of voices argue. A slight panic filled the boy's veins when he recognized a certain monotone voice speaking, causing all fatigue to vanish from him as he jumped to his feet, not bothering to pull on his coat as he burst out of his house. Sure enough, there stood the piglin hybrid himself, Phil standing by his side as Jack Manifold yells at them to leave, Charlie standing off to the side, observing with a raised brow alongside Foolish as Ranboo stands beside Jack with a nervous tint in his eyes.

"You two aren't allowed here! I thought I made that clear already!" Jack yelled in the faces of the two, but the older men were already looking over at the goat hybrid. Phil let a smile across his face, void of any malice, but it didn't make Tubbo feel any better with the way Techno's red eyes bore into him without expression.

"Ah, Hello Tubbo!" Phil exclaimed, waving to the boy. "We heard there was a new little community out here and wanted to investigate" Phil explained, a tint of nervousness showing in his own voice. Tubbo couldn't understand why he would be if anything it's Tubbo that should be nervous, but he's not, just terrified. When Tubbo fails to speak up, Ranboo steps in.

"I know you probably don't mean any harm...We're still...y'know." the tribrid tried to explain without triggering anyone, only leading to Techno waving his hand.

"We can let bygones be bygones, no?" The piglin turns his gaze back to the brunette. "Why don't you give us a tour, Tubbo?" The brunette stays glued to his spot, Techno letting out a chuckle. "C'mon, I want to see all this quaint little town has to offer." The piglin continues, turning towards Ranboo.

"There isn't much...We just started." Ranboo explains, sending Tubbo an apologetic glance. He must have accidentally let it slip. "There isn't much to see." Ranboo continues to try and defuse the situation, Jack still glaring aggressively at the pair.


Sam tiredly steps into the living room, running a hand through his hair as he spies Puffy's figure lying sprawled on the floor. A chuckle leaves him and he moves towards the kitchen quietly, grabbing himself a glass of water as he stares out one of his windows, watching the sunrise into the sky. The creeper hybrid chugs down the water before shuffling around the kitchen, getting items ready to make breakfast, he most likely would be gone by the time they all got up, but at least they'd have food ready for them. Only a few minutes into his cooking, he hears the familiar whine of his dog from somewhere in the house. A small sigh leaves his mouth as he rightly assumes the grey wolf-dog had gotten herself trapped somewhere yet again. Fran's quite smart, but she still can't open doors. Sam wanders past Puffy again, the woman now curled in a ball of blankets and wool-hair, and down the hall, causing as he reaches his destination. Sam pulls the door open, allowing Fran to run out before he whining can wake Tommy. The Creeper-hybrid peeks inside the room, a small smile appearing on his face at the sight before him.

Tommy and Y/n were basically hugging each other, the blonde's head tucked under the winged teenager's chin with Y/n's wings loosely hanging over him, both sleeping soundly. Sam quietly shuts the door behind him, shuffling back into the kitchen with Fran at his heels. As he steps back into the living area, Puffy sits upright, staring tiredly into the fireplace.

"Goodmorning, Puffy." Sam greeted quietly, the sheep-woman jumping at the sound of Sam's voice.

"Oh, hey Sam." she returns the greeting, a strained smile crossing her features, Sam pauses, watching as Puffy averts her gaze back towards the ashy fireplace. The woman's usual energetic aura was absent.

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