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I put the fanart I got at the end of the chapter :)


"SAM!" Puffy yells, letting out a small growl under her breath as her coat snags onto another stary branch. Puffy's promise to 'be back in a bit' was currently being broken as the woman had yet to find her friend in the forests. Puffy was probably just as enraged as Sam was about this turn of events, but she was much better at keeping her emotions in check. But if she gets caught on another tree the hybrid swears she's gonna lose it. The woman pauses, the sound of metal hitting wood reaching her ears. Puffy's shoulders tense momentarily before cautiously approaching the area the sounds were coming from. The woman slows peaking around one of the oak trees before her posture slouches, frowning at the sight of Sam slashing a poor defenseless tree with his sword, leaving deep cuts in the bark.

"Sam.." Puffy trails off, Sam only pauses momentarily, Puffy noting how the skin over his knuckles had turned white due to his grip on the sword. The woman exhales through her nose as Sam's grip tightens, swinging towards the tree with much more force than before. The loud sound echos through the trees nearly making Puffy wince as the wood keeps hold of the sword, Sam struggling only for a moment to get the weapon loose. "What are you doing?"

"Imagining this is Dreams face." Sam spits, his tone is unusually aggressive. Puffy chuckles softly, though her expression stayed a frown.

"Beating on a poor tree isn't going to get you anywhere, Sam." The woman says, leaning against a tree near her with her arms crossed. "Everyone's wondering what happened to you."

"I'm fine."

"Are you?" Sam doesn't speak, dropping the sword before bringing both his hands to his face, running them through his hair with quick and heavy breaths. Puffy moves from the tree towards Sam, Laying a hand on the taller man's shoulder. "Hey.. It'll be alright." Puffy says, trying to stay optimistic herself. Y/n hadn't died yet but that didn't mean they were off Scott free. The cult could just be waiting for some reason. Still, Nothing was confirmed, So Puffy will keep her hopes up.

"T-they have one of my kids, Puffy." Sam says quietly, one hand over his eyes.

"Y/n could be anywhere right now, Sam." Puffy says, rubbing the man's back lightly "And Y/n is my kid too, you think I'm not just as worried." Sam stays silent, causing Puffy to let out a sigh, moving to stand in front of the hybrid. Grabbing his shoulder before pulling him into a hug. It's silent aside from the animal chirping around them, Puffy gazes at the sky, clouds floating by and birds soaring, unknowing of the despair both the guardians were facing at the moment. Puffy narrows her eyes as gray smoke reaches her eyes, the cloud growing darker as time moved on. "Sam." Puffy says, pulling away. The creeper hybrid follows her gaze, eyes widening.

"That coming from Spawn..." Sam trails off. The two stand still for a moment before Sam rushes to grab his sword from the ground, pushing through the trees.

"W-Wait a second! SAM!" Puffy cries, chasing after the hybrid with her own weapon ready. "What are you doing?!" the sheep hybrid yells, now trailing behind the taller hybrid.

"What if it's them?!" The green-haired man yells back. "I'm not taking any chances" Puffy shakes her head, but Sam doesn't even give her a glance.

"I'm going with you then!"


"You're teaching me Magic?" Y/n questions, staring down at the beanie-wearing man who had swapped his bright Yellow sweater for a darker pair of clothing, a sheepish grin across the brunette's face. "Do you even know what you're doing?" Y/n didn't mean to be rude with their questions, it just seemed like Sky was the most qualified for teaching the teen about their powers considering he'd spent the longest with Sera and in the aether. Wilbur brought a hand up to the back of his neck, offering the teen the papers he hand. Wilbur was now dressed in the beanie he had resurrected in, over his sweater was a black jacket, zipped halfway hiding the colorful garment. Y/n assumes the brunette probably stole it from someone's base or something as he definitely didn't have it on his yesterday.

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