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I just realized....I forgot about fundy....Oops. I'll fix that next chap tho


Cerulean's eyes stayed focused on the doorway leading into the city, by the boy's side was Tubbo, the goat-hybrid tiredly, but excitedly rocking on his heels. A large grin across the brunette's face. Ranboo was standing behind the both of them, pacing slightly, only stopping when a noise rang through the entryway of the city. The tribrid's tail was swishing nervously. While Tubbo was excited, Tommy couldn't help the pit of dread in his stomach, and he could tell Ranboo felt the same. Something about the message, how uneasy it was, and the fact that Sam never responded to any of Tommy's prompting made the teen nervous. Was Y/n injured? Dead? Foolish standing in the doorway did nothing to soothe his nerves. Niki was beside the totem, biting at the skin around her nails. She seemed nervous as well. After everything that had happened It wasn't dumb to imagine Y/n had gotten hurt in some way shape or form. Mentally they were probably just as scared as the other three, but Physically was more worrying at this point in time. The sound of footsteps from down the hall snapped everyone from their thoughts, Ranboo pausing in his paces as Tommy's shoulders tense. Puffy appeared first, a soft smile falling on her lips as she locks eyes with the uneased boy, Sam standing behind her with a glint of worry in his eyes, worry towards Tommy. That wasn't a good sign. Puffy paused, laying a hand on the blonde's shoulder, patting lightly as a look of sorrow takes over her eyes, moving towards her son and wife. That wasn't reassuring. Sam simply steps to the side, revealing an unfamiliar male and...Purpled? The dark-eyed boy gave the other three a small grin and a peace sign, discomfort clear on his face as they stare him down. 

"Grayson?" Tubbo was the one who spoke, blinking a few times. Tommy hadn't really been friends with the other blonde, Tubbo knew him a bit better, but not alot. The purple-clad teen was more of a lone wolf than anything. 

"Yeah...It's been a while." The blonde says, waving his arms slightly. Tommy keeps his eyes locked on the brunette beside the teen. A pair of darkened glasses covering his eyes, with an amused smirk on his lips. Tommy looked him up and down as he pushed past Grayson and into Niki's kitchen without a word. 

"Tommy! Tubbo! Ranboo!" Tommy's gaze shoots back to the doorway, beside Grayson, grasping the other blonde's shoulder, was the person they had been hoping to see. Y/n. A bright smile on their face as they break away from Grayson and Rush towards the other three. Grayson steps to the side, next to Sam, as Tubbo yell's  Y/n's name back, sprinting towards them to meet in the middle, nearly knocking the smaller teen to the ground. Tommy let's a small smile grow on his face, relief filling his chest as Ranboo takes a step towards the two, Tubbo refusing to release the younger h/c teen, though, the boy's mood does a one eighty as Tubbo finally pulls away, eyes wide as another person steps into the room. A Gasp leaving Niki as Tommy locks eyes with familiar coffee colored ones. 


Y/n takes a step back, glancing at Wilbur over their shoulder as both Tommy and the taller man were now locked in a staring contest. Tubbo glanced between the two with a mix of emotions on his face. Ranboo stood behind Tommy again, fiddling with his thumbs slightly. Foolish hadn't said anything, carefully grabbing Niki's shoulder, pulling her back into the kitchen at something Puffy whispered. Sam pats Grayson's back lightly, the boy moving to follow the others as Sam turns and glances at the others, before turning to Wilbur, looking between the two brothers. 

"Kids." Sam starts, causing attention to shoot at him, except for Tommy and Wilbur, neither of the two willing to break the contact. "I think Tommy and Will need a minute to talk." The creeper-hybrid says, jolting his head towards the doorway. Y/n nods, carefully grabbing Tubbo's hand to drag the awestruck teen away, Ranboo trailing them, before Sam does the same. The staring contest continues for what feels like hours, Tommy waiting for the brunette to break the silence, only to be let down as it remains. Finally, sick of the quiet, Tommy speaks. 

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