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I imagine Tubbo is like a cat.


Sam hadn't bothered to check his communicator throughout the time he had tried to get through to Hannah, which ended in her getting pissed at him and screaming for him to leave her alone. By the time he had gotten around to it all that was left was others talking to each other through the system. Before Sam left to head back to Niki's city, he had stopped by the eggpire's base again, in hopes that while he was absent they had returned to no avail. It's like they knew he would be after them. Which they probably did. Sam hadn't expected them to be smart enough to stay away. The walk back to Niki's base was a bit of a blur, nothing happened aside from a few mobs spawning and animals running past him, he didn't run into anyone or receive any other messages other than a few from others having a chat. The creeper-hybrid entered the base, letting out a huff at the silence before moving towards the room Niki had offered up, pushing the door open lightly in the hope to see one of the kids or Puffy, but the room was empty. Sam felt nervous, surly Niki hadn't done anything, not when she knows it'll get her killed...though...Jack Manifold was a different story and he tended to hang around Niki a lot. Sam turned on his heel, bounding down the hall in search of the Pink-haired woman when he paused, the sound of talking reaching his ears. The gree-haired man slowed his pace, turning the corner to see Y/n and Tommy sitting at a table, Niki a few feet away kneading some dough, dressed in looser clothing. Sam cleared his throat and, to his surprise, Niki had abandoned her dough and had quickly moved to point her axe (which had been leaning against the counter next to her) in his face, a cold look on her face that quickly disappears as she realizes who she was faced with.

"Sam!" Tommy exclaimed as Niki lowered her weapon, quickly moving out of the way, and both teens rush towards the tall hybrid. The man noted that all three of them seemed very shaken, Y/n fidgeting a lot more than usual, a hand over their stomach and torso like they were attempting to remedy pain. Both Niki and Tommy we're incredibly jumpy.

"What happened?" Sam questions, ruffling the blonde teen's hair. Giving Y/n a look of worry as the h/c teen flinches a bit at the question. Tommy's expression falls into a glare as Niki turns back to her baking, clearly listening still as she aggressively kneads the dough.

"Dream." Sam's shoulders tense at the name, nearly blocking out the rest of what Tommy says, though most of it was curses for the green-clad man, The creeper-hybrid felt anger flood his veins at the thought of Dream harming one of the teenagers while he was off trying to preform a hopeless task. "He..." Tommy trailed off after finishing his stream of curses, glancing over at Y/n, his glare softening slightly "Killed Y/n." Tommy continues, angrily. But after hearing that Sam simply blocked out the rest, turning to the e/c teen in question. Quickly moving towards them, pulling the kid into a tight hug.

"Sam..." Y/n trailed off, returning the hug "I'm alright now." They continue. Sam lets out a sigh, burying his face in the teen's hair.

"I should have stayed." The creeper-hybrid says, quietly. A mix of anger and sorrow in his voice. Niki had stopped working at this point, glancing over her shoulder at the scene while Tommy moves closer to his two family members. "I should have known he'd know where you were."

"Well..." Tommy trails off. "It might have been my fault..." The blonde continues. Turning his gaze towards the floor.

"Don't start," Niki says. "You couldn't have known he'd be there." The pink-haired woman continues as Sam finally pulls away from Y/n, the h/c teen giving him a bright smile in reassurance.

"But I should have been more careful, I knew he was after we, and I went outside anyway." Tommy continues, arguing against the older teen's words. Sam turns to Tommy, laying a hand on the boy's shoulder.

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