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#Tinyinnit - youtu.be/mlWJgnmg_Ng 

As well as a Parrot Dance - https://youtu.be/6U0NOZbVGtQ

We're still open to people hopping on the SMP, that's where this gif came from as well as the videos, It's a Java server and you need some mods, shoot me a message if interested :)


Puffy and Sam had split in different directions as soon as they were out of Niki's base, Puffy heading straight towards Snowchester. The woman expressing her concern for the people there including Ranboo, Tubbo, and Foolish. Sam, on the other hand, Grabbed his communicator, storming back to the SMP in search of Dream and The Eggpire. No doubt they were the ones that freed him, no one else would. The Creeper-hybrid was armed to the teeth, Trident clenched so tightly in his right hand that his knuckles were turning pale, his other weapons and tools strapped to his side. Sam was more than just angry at this point, he was enraged. First, this cult decided to target his children, and then they have the audacity to free one of his kid's abuser. Sam, at this point, was no longer willing to spare this cult in the hope he could save them. They've just fucked with the wrong warden.

The SMP was just as empty as usual, the only sounds were of the mobs roaming around and the remaining animals in the area. The only person Sam saw whilst walking was Sapnap, and the pyromaniac stayed away from him, a nervous look in his eyes as they passed each other. Sapnap could probably tell Sam was infuriated. As the hybrid neared the base, he paused, taking in a deep breath to calm himself. It was unwise to just storm in there, even with how prepared he was. He was prepared last time as well and he knows how that turned out. Clenching his teeth, Sam yelled out for the leader of the cult, his trident ready to throw at so much as a move.

"Sam?" The creeper-hybrid spun around, inches from stabbing the person that had spoken until a familiar scream filled his ears. Hannah stumbled back a bit, nearly tripping over herself. The Florian's green eyes were filled with a mix of confusion and fear "I-I didn't steal anything! I swear" the younger woman ranted, raising her arms in defense. Sam lowered the trident. He had helped Hannah a few weeks ago as the Eggpire had trapped her in with the Egg like they had tried to do to him. It had slipped his mind until this point to check on her, her house and herself having had all its color ripped away from it. Though, she seemed fine now.

"Sorry...Hannah...." Sam mutters, turning back to the egg base, narrowing his eyes as the structure continues to pulse like blood in veins. Hannah kept her distance, eyeing the hybrid warily before turning her gaze to the egg-shaped building.

"uh...W-What are you doing?" Hannah stutters out trailing behind Sam, seeming to overcome her nervousness as Sam let out a quiet sigh, the two breaking into the red building. Sam turns to the Florian, his gaze softening slightly at the woman as they neared the Tunnel that leads to the Egg.

"Listen, I need to check something. Stay here." Sam instructs the brunette, not bothering to explain the situation to her. Hannah doesn't get the chance to respond as Sam quickly rushes down the tunnel. The hybrid holds the sword forwards, his mask doing little to block the rotting smell the egg produces, Sam cringes, they creeper-hybrid can't imagine someone like Dream staying in a place like this long. From what he can remember from Dream monologues whilst he was locked away, He wasn't too fond of the growing cult. Though, Dream also wasn't one to disregard promises or favors, Seems Bad remembered that bit as well.

"Sam?" Hannah's voice echoed down the tunnel, nearly being swallowed by the pulsing of whatever liquid was in the egg's vines. "A-Are you okay?" the woman called out again. Sam glanced around the overgrown room, narrowing his eyes. At the lack of persons in the place. So they're not here, great.

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