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So uh, I'm moving now. That has been taking up quite a bit of my time. But good news, The Origins server is kinda alive again. I'm accepting more people into the server before any lore stuff happens so you can all get included. If you join late you'll probably be out of the loop but idk when we are gonna do lore so-

Anyway, If you have any fan art. Pls Give :) I was looking back at it today and remembered how much I love it


"So...Are we just gonna...not do anything?" Techno questions, turning away from the bookshelf he had been facing deep in thought. "I don't know about you guys but I really don't want to know what's supposed to be inside that thing." The Piglin-hybrid continues, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well." Ranboo starts. "If we are gonna do anything, We need to figure out how to stop it from hatching first." he continues, raising a hand to his chin. The entirety of the current residents of the underground Kingdom were cramped in the kitchen after Grayson's exclamation. Both Puffy and Sam had looked at the messages the boy had managed to incept and sure enough. Bad was going crazy about the egg hatching soon.

"Why do we need to do that when we can just kill whatever comes out of it?" Tommy says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's the thing, what if it can't be killed." Sam starts before Tommy can continue. "We have no Idea what's gonna come out. It's better if we keep it from hatching all together. At least until we can figure out how to destroy it."

"Have you tried Fire?" Sky questions, leaning against the door to the room.

"Yes. We've tried Everything." Puffy states, dropping her head onto the table below her with a sigh. "I can't see a good option here at all." She continues, shaking her head. "Whatever we do, something bad's gonna happen I can feel it." it's quiet for a while, other than the sounds of Y/n and Tommy eating breakfast, as they were the last to wake up. The angel in question taps their fingers against the table a few times, sucking in a breath.

"I have an Idea." The h/c teen speaks up, glancing towards Wilbur for a moment before locking eyes with Sam. "We can ask Sera what to do. She's old and also an Angel so she might have some kind of an idea."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Tubbo asks, tilting his head as his ears twitch. "Isn't she in heaven or something? Are you gonna fly all the way up there and back?"

"No." Y/n starts, with a small laugh. "I can summon her, only for a minute I think. Since she's busy." Y/n says, looking at Sky.

"Ah." The glasses-wearing man starts. "Well, there is a problem." Sky pushes away from the door frame shaking his head. "We can only do that at the church." Y/n frowns at this.

"Getting over there while all this is going on is gonna be...so Dangerous," Niki says quietly. "But. Maybe if we all went..." she trails off looking around the room.

"I mean, there's only like what, four of them? And we have Techno and Sky so." Tommy says, waving his hand at both the men. "I bet we could beat their asses." Grayson looked concerned at this, Communicator still clutched tightly in his hand.

"We probably do stand a pretty good chance." He begins, looking up from the device with narrowed eyes. "But The egg enhances all their abilities. If it's about to hatch then the effects have probably increased by ten folds. Considering how strong it is."

Y/n leans against the table a bit, looking around the room at everyone with a frown. If they wait to see what happens, the cult and whatever comes out of the egg will simply track them down. If they try to fight the cult, there's a chance they will kill them. And No matter what, The egg hatches. "We should take the chance to get to the church. Sera will know what to do." Y/n insists, sitting up in their seat. Puffy follows along, nodding.

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