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Art: @sweet_bun_nii on Instagram. 

More lore stuff! Yay! I decided it needed to be added at some point, and remember, we Can't have fluff forever!


A hooded figure fidgets nervously outside a sky blue set of doors, a swirly symbol etched into the wood painted a slightly darker shade, a golden gem lateched in the middle. They pace in front of the door, their long lilac and grey robes dragging against the ground as they approach a stained glass window from across the door. The figure pauses letting out a sigh as they gaze out over the art, a pair of people standing side by side, a Long ginger-haired woman with a steel gaze, her lips stretched into a thin line with a glare in her hazel eyes. Next to her a Dark haired man with tanned skin and bright blue eyes, unlike the Woman, his expression was much more carefree, eyes gazing upwards towards the sky in some kind of awe.

The figures were placed in the overworld, familiar oak trees behind them, the sun shining between the two. The figure is jolted from their admiration when the doors behind them swing open, colliding with the wall behind them as the sound of boots hitting the shimmery golden floors rings out. The person removes the hood from their head as the same woman from the mural approaches them, The woman lets out a sigh, her eyes just as intense as they we're in the mural, but her attire had changed drastically and her aura was one of power.

"Did you find him?" The woman questions, a ting of a scottish accent in her voice. It was deep, and the opposing person was quick to respond.

"I'm afraid not, my lady." They respond, revealing themselves as a tanned, honey blonde woman, pale blue eyes hardening in sorrow. "Nor have my Valkyries."

"And the Empyrean?"

"I believe the Empyrean successfully made it to their destination." The woman answers with a quick nod. The ginger-woman's expression softened at the blonde's words, a grin forming on her features.

"Good. You are dismissed, Seraph." The blonde nods, pulling her hood back over her head. As the powerful woman wanders back into the doors, Seraph steps through the mural doors onto a balcony, stepping onto the edge of the railing. She pauses, staring out of the cliffs of landscape before her. With another sigh, Seraph leaps off the edge, unfurling a pair of golden wings from under her robes, catching herself and flapping them and directing herself towards the orange sky.


"You're remembering stuff? What exactly did you remember?" Puffy was quick to ask, Sam glanced over his shoulder to the table but quickly returned his gaze to the food he was cooking. Tommy raised a brow, also curious to his new friends' forgotten past, though, if every time they remember something they lose their iris's he'd rather not be around for it.

"It was like...a big white building, like the church! But bigger." Y/n explains, running their finger across the surface of the temple as if tracing what they saw. Puffy blinks, as if searching her mind for something similar to what the teen before her had just explained.

"Do you think it might have been a Sea Temple?" Sam questions, setting a plate of a different assortment of food in the middle of the table, in his other arm a collection of smaller plates that he sets before the teen. Tommy lets out a scoff at the question.

"Y/n has wings, why would they be from underwater?" The boy asks, Sam shaking his head before raising his hand in mock Defence.

"Just a Suggestion. Besides, you never know." The hybrid defends himself, flicking the blonde boy's forehead before taking a seat across from Puffy. The sheep-hybrid shakes her head, snapping herself from her thoughts.

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